Security Measures Taken by Enterprises in their Business Apps
Ever since mobile apps entered into our lives, they have taken the centre-stage and become a very important part. We have included them completely by using them for almost everything that we do. This makes it important to look at the security features of these apps. This becomes even more important if business owners are using them as enterprise mobile apps for professional purposes and acknowledge them as the most reliable mode of transmitting confidential information.
Ever since mobile apps entered into our lives,

they have taken the centre-stage and become a very important part. We have included them completely by using them for almost everything that we do. This makes it important to look at the security features of these apps. This becomes even more important if business owners are using them as enterprise mobile apps for professional purposes and acknowledge them as the most reliable mode of transmitting confidential information. The advent of mobile apps has ended the necessity of old-fashioned desktops and laptops by begetting the BYOD concept. This concept allows employers to use their personal smart devices for professional purposes with the help of enterprise mobile apps. The best feature of enterprise mobile apps is that they allow employees and users to access confidential company data anywhere anytime. They work just like company owned desktop or laptop apps, the only difference is that desktop apps can work within office premises only and company defined firewall. On the contrary, enterprise mobile apps can operate outside office premises and access company’s server via the Internet. This feature makes them more vulnerable to security threats and experts to think seriously about how to make them more secure and even robust. In this write up, we will be conferring about top security features that can be infused by entrepreneurs in their mobile applications to make them non-detrimental and secure.
Password storage – Authentication is the most apparent element required by enterprises at any level and mobile apps are no exception. To make safety of the enterprise data certain, it is important that coding is not done to store authentication data like usernames and passwords in the app's cache. Arrangements should be made that the user has to login and confirm his identity every time. Through this, IT admin take their first step towards securing company’s network and data.
In transit data encryption – Enterprise mobile apps give users the authority of connecting to the company’s server through the Internet and access data 24x7. However, this exposes sensitive data to multiple threats as it keeps transmitting continuously between the BYOD device and company’s server. To make it more secure, data encryption technology should be utilized by the entrepreneurs. This allows IT admin to encrypt data while it is stored and in transmission, so that even if it is accessed by a non-authorized person, it is of no use for him.
Wiping feature – With the help of this technology, IT admin keeps the power of controlling the data in his hands. In case of BYOD device being stolen or lost, the IT admin can use this feature to wipe entire data from that device. This feature protects the data from misuse as it can be wiped as soon as the device is declared lost or theft.
Data segmentation – Apart from these three, an enterprise looking to adopt mobility in its work culture should adopt various other security features as well and data segmentation is one of them. It allows partitioning of professional and personal data on personal devices of the employees. This is the most important step that an enterprise owner could take in an era, where the concept of BYOD and BYOA is at its peak.
There is no doubt about the fact that maintaining security is very crucial for businesses as their servers hold sensitive information that they don’t want to share with non-authorized persons. In such cases, the concept of mobile apps management and enterprise mobile device management becomes mandatory for enterprises and business owners.