10 Safety DO's and DON'TS While Travelling Internationally

Apr 19


Jaymes F. Franks

Jaymes F. Franks

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Traveling internationally can be an exhilarating experience, but it's crucial to stay vigilant and prepared to ensure your safety. Here are essential tips to help you navigate foreign lands securely, keeping your belongings safe and your travel experience smooth.

Understanding the Risks

Traveling exposes you to new cultures,10 Safety DO's and DON'TS While Travelling Internationally Articles environments, and risks. According to the 2021 Travel Risk Map published by International SOS, factors such as political violence, social unrest, and petty crime can significantly affect travelers' safety in various regions. Awareness and preparation are key to mitigating these risks.

10 DON'TS for Safe International Travel

  1. Avoid Flashing Large Amounts of Cash: Always be discreet with your money. Use credit cards or traveler's checks instead of carrying significant amounts of cash.
  2. Dress Appropriately: Blend in with the local population to avoid drawing attention. Avoid wearing overtly tourist attire and displaying maps or guidebooks openly.
  3. Secure Your Bag: Use a cross-body bag rather than one slung over one shoulder, and always keep it on the side away from the road to prevent drive-by snatchers.
  4. Choose Your Bag Wisely: Backpacks that look like luggage can make you a target. Opt for something less conspicuous.
  5. Steer Clear of Risky Areas: Avoid visiting isolated, poorly lit areas, especially at night. Always stay in well-populated and well-lit areas.
  6. Keep Valuables Out of Sight: Never leave items like your smartphone or passport in public view. Always secure them in a safe place.
  7. Be Inconspicuous with Rental Cars: Drive a car that doesn't stand out as a rental and keep travel-related documents out of sight.
  8. Park Safely: Always park in well-lit areas and keep valuables locked in the trunk, not visible in the car.
  9. Separate Your Keys: Do not keep your car keys and room keys on the same keychain.
  10. Guard Your Luggage: Never leave your luggage unattended. Use luggage locks and keep valuables with you at all times.

10 DO's for Safe International Travel

  1. Stay Alert: Always be aware of your surroundings and any suspicious activities or individuals.
  2. Use Safes: Lock up valuables in a hotel safe or safe-deposit box and secure windows and doors when you leave your room.
  3. Limit Cash: Carry only as much cash as you need for immediate expenses.
  4. Document Important Info: Keep a record of your passport and credit card numbers in case they are lost or stolen. This will expedite the replacement process.
  5. Secure Your Luggage: Use straps and locks to secure your luggage during transit.
  6. Adapt Your Dress: Dress like a local whenever possible to avoid standing out.
  7. Travel in Groups: There is safety in numbers. Try to explore and shop with friends or family.
  8. Keep Vehicles Secure: Always lock car doors and keep windows up when driving.
  9. Beware of Distractions: Be cautious of disturbances that could be ploys for theft, such as someone spilling something on you or causing a scene.
  10. Plan Your Route: Familiarize yourself with your destinations before heading out to avoid looking lost.

Enhancing Your Travel Safety

Implementing these tips can significantly enhance your safety while traveling abroad. For more detailed information on specific destinations, consult the U.S. Department of State’s travel advisories or the International SOS Travel Risk Map.

Traveling safely requires awareness, preparation, and discretion. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a more secure and enjoyable international travel experience.