Discover the Serene Camping Experience on La Graciosa, Lanzarote's Hidden Gem

Apr 22


Lisa Jeeves

Lisa Jeeves

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Escape the hustle of crowded resorts and immerse yourself in the tranquility of La Graciosa, a pristine island paradise ideal for camping enthusiasts. This secluded spot offers a unique blend of beautiful landscapes, rich history, and serene beaches, making it a perfect getaway from the conventional tourist spots.

La Graciosa: A Secluded Haven

La Graciosa is the smallest inhabited island of the Canary Islands,Discover the Serene Camping Experience on La Graciosa, Lanzarote's Hidden Gem Articles located just 2 kilometers north of Lanzarote. With no paved roads and a population of around 700, it epitomizes off-the-grid living. The island is accessible via a short ferry ride from Orzola in Lanzarote, transporting visitors into a world where nature reigns supreme.

Key Features of La Graciosa:

  • Population: Approximately 700
  • Size: 29 square kilometers
  • Transport: No paved roads; travel by foot, bike, or 4x4 vehicles
  • Access: Ferry service from Lanzarote

Historical Backdrop

La Graciosa has a colorful history, rumored to have inspired Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island." The island served as a refuge for pirates in the 17th century before becoming home to a small fishing community. Today, visitors can explore the quaint villages of Caleta del Sebo and Pedro Barba, which reflect the island's rich past and laid-back lifestyle.

Pristine Beaches and Natural Beauty

Unlike its volcanic counterparts in the Canary Islands, La Graciosa boasts stunning golden sand beaches. The island's topography is marked by soft sands and clear blue waters, set against a backdrop of dramatic volcanic landscapes.

Notable Beaches:

  • Playa de El Salado: Home to the island's campsite, this beach is easily accessible and offers facilities for an extended stay.
  • Playa Francesa: A serene spot perfect for relaxation, located a 40-minute walk from Playa de El Salado.
  • Playa de Las Conchas: Offers solitude and breathtaking views of nearby uninhabited islands. It's a two-hour walk from the harbor but well worth the trek.

Activities and Recreation

La Graciosa is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. The island's rugged terrain and scenic paths make it ideal for hiking, mountain biking, and 4x4 tours. The surrounding waters are perfect for kitesurfing, surfing, and guided scuba diving, given the area's status as a marine reserve.

Things to Do:

  • Hiking and Biking: Explore the island's trails on foot or by bike.
  • Water Sports: Engage in kitesurfing, surfing, or scuba diving with a guide.
  • Boat Tours: Take a catamaran trip around the island to fully appreciate its beauty.

Culinary Delights

Despite its small size, La Graciosa offers a culinary experience centered around fresh seafood. The island's two main restaurants specialize in dishes prepared with locally caught fish, providing a taste of authentic island cuisine.

Camping on La Graciosa

The island features a well-maintained campsite located behind Playa de El Salado. With a capacity of 200 people, it is essential to book in advance and register online prior to arrival to secure a spot.

Camping Details:

  • Capacity: 200 people
  • Location: Near Playa de El Salado
  • Reservation: Required; online registration necessary

How to Reach La Graciosa

The journey to La Graciosa starts with a flight to Lanzarote, followed by a drive to the northern village of Orzola. From there, visitors can catch a ferry directly to the island. It is advisable to arrange transportation in advance to ensure a smooth trip.

For more information on ferry schedules and bookings, visit the official Lanzarote tourism website.

La Graciosa offers a unique camping experience that combines adventure with tranquility. Whether you're looking to explore rugged landscapes, relax on secluded beaches, or simply escape the digital world, this island provides the perfect setting to reconnect with nature.