Reindeer Farm & Safari, Lapland

Apr 23


Nikhil S

Nikhil S

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Explore the enchanting world of reindeer herding in Lapland, where tradition meets tourism. This unique experience not only connects you with the majestic semi-domesticated reindeer but also immerses you in the local culture through interactive farm visits and exhilarating safaris across the snowy landscapes of Rovaniemi.

The Heart of Reindeer Herding

Reindeer herding is deeply embedded in the culture of Northern Lapland,Reindeer Farm & Safari, Lapland Articles serving as a vital source of livelihood for many. According to the Reindeer Herders' Association, Finland is home to approximately 200,000 reindeer with around 6,500 reindeer owners in Lapland alone. This practice, which has evolved over at least 500 years, plays a crucial role in the local economy and cultural identity.

Key Aspects of Reindeer Herding:

  • Semi-domestication: Unlike fully domesticated animals, reindeer retain much of their wild nature, though they are owned and managed by herders.
  • Training and Obedience: Training a reindeer requires skill and patience, as these animals are intelligent and capable of learning various tasks.
  • Economic Impact: Reindeer herding is not only a way of life but also supports the economy through meat production, tourism, and crafts.

Reindeer Capabilities and Characteristics

Reindeer are remarkable creatures adapted to the harsh Arctic conditions. They possess unique physical features that enable them to thrive in snowy environments:

  • Strength and Endurance: Capable of carrying heavy loads, making them invaluable to the indigenous communities.
  • Adaptation to Cold: Their sharp hooves are perfect for navigating the icy terrain.
  • Antler Regeneration: Reindeer shed their antlers annually, with new growth occurring each year.

Experience Reindeer Farm Rovaniemi

The Reindeer Farm in Rovaniemi offers visitors a firsthand look at reindeer herding. This experience includes:

  • Interactive Tours: Learn about the intricacies of reindeer herding from the experts.
  • Reindeer Safari: Embark on a one-hour sleigh ride across the stunning landscapes of Rovaniemi.
  • Cultural Immersion: Engage with herders and gain insights into their daily lives and traditions.

Visitor Amenities:

  • Refreshments: Enjoy local delicacies such as coffee, tea, and sweet bread.
  • Optional Lunch: Available upon request for an additional charge.
  • Comprehensive Service: Includes guiding, transfers, winter clothing, and footwear.


  • Reindeer Driving License: A unique memento to commemorate your visit.

Why Visit Reindeer Farm & Safari?

Visiting the Reindeer Farm & Safari is more than just a tourist activity; it's an educational journey that offers deep insights into the sustainable practices of reindeer herding and its significance to Lapland's culture. It's an opportunity to connect with nature and learn about an ancient way of life that has been preserved and adapted in modern times.

For more information on reindeer and their role in Arctic ecosystems, visit the Arctic Centre at the University of Lapland.

For travel tips and booking your visit to Lapland, check out Visit Rovaniemi.

This unique blend of cultural heritage and natural beauty makes the Reindeer Farm & Safari in Lapland a must-visit destination for those seeking to experience the true spirit of the Arctic.
