Viral Marketing Lead Generation
Lead Generation is the lifeline for any Business without it a Business will not succeed. This is a highly competitive market where Businesses are looking to get the best bang for their buck, and return on their investment long term. The more effective the headline and ad copy, the better the overall results will be.
When it comes to Increasing Conversions Using Lead Generation it's stated: A Business should have a minimum of 5-15 leads per day visiting it's website,
and out of those 5-15 leads 1 out of 3 should be converting to a sale. Now this all depends on several factors ranging from:
1. Copywriting: Is a key component you have to consider not only how the visitor will react to the copy, but also whether the words you use in your copy will attract search engines to your site and increase your rankings within both the search engines, and the directories.
2. Viral Marketing: Can the message be spread through word of mouth? According to experts, 81 percent of viral e-mail recipients will pass the e-mail on to at least one other person. To work effectively the e-mail you want the recipient to forward must either be free, inexpensive, or offer a discount. Always remember it's a numbers game!
3. Customer Service should be adequate and responsive immediately or within 24 hrs.
4. Accurate training and tools that offer simple to understand step by step instructions. This can include a free report, monthly newsletter, informative blog, or a widget. All of these tools should directly link visitors back to your main website.
5. Is quality content effectively displayed that will guide the lead through a strategic funnel?
6. What's unique about this particular Business and why should the lead get involved?
7. Is traffic targeted and geared towards attracting buyers not browsers?
8. Does the website offer Bonuses that leads can use to maximize their potential?
9. Compensation Pay Plan: Must provide upfront and residual commissions this is critical, so that your visitors know exactly what to do to build their income.
10. Is there a specific Call to Action to get the lead to make a immediate decision?
It's been proven that while people are looking for information that peek their interest, they are also interested in valuable content, and searching for benefits that give them more knowledge.
People will always want to know what's in it for them. This again ties into the USP or Unique Selling Proposition which offers the lead a list of benefits compared to features. Remember benefits sell features don't! If you implement this formula in your marketing strategy you will Win the majority of the time when it comes to Increasing Conversions Using Lead Generation.