3 Important Elements of a Band Site
Think of your website as your bands foundation for any online marketing. It should be the place to go if fans want to connect with you in all sorts of ways including social media.
MediaMedia is an important element of any Band Website and by media I mean photos,

video and music. When people become a fan of a band they often want to listen to their music, watch videos on YouTube and share photos with friends on sites such as FlickrR. By having these visitors come to your site for this content you will not only build up a larger fan base, but you can direct your fans to other stuff such as your social profiles, merchandise and more.The best thing to do is to create a gallery or media page that has all the media content in one place, organized into categories and then by events and dates. This will allow your fans to quickly and easily find the most recent media from your band and enable them to connect with you more.Social MediaSocial media has become a powerful force in band marketing. Nowadays it seems like every band has a facebook page, myspace page and twitter profile. This is because many fans have these profiles as well and it allows bands to interact with fans on a variety of levels. The more fans you can reach the better and thats why its important to build up a network on all the social sites.Once you have created social media profiles, be sure to link them in an easy to find spot on your website. Think of your website as your bands foundation for any online marketing. It should be the place to go if fans want to connect with you in all sorts of ways including social media.MerchandiseWhile not all bands are in it for the money, selling merch online can help pay a lot of bills. Its also important to many fans who want and are willing to support your band by not only buying stuff, but by wearing your shirts and hanging up your posters.Selling merchandise can not only make you money, but it transforms buyers into a street team. So while you don't need to sell coffee mugs with your band logo, you should try selling the essentials such as a few good t shirts, some posters and other popular items. Sites such as BigCartel will allow you to easily sell stuff online which you can link to via your website allowing your fans to help support you.