7 lightweight and flexible PHP CMS for small business website

Jul 19


ankur purohit

ankur purohit

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The article uncovers top 7 lightweight CMS that make the website digitally more thrilling to provide users with the amazing viewing experience.


A content management system supports creation and modification of digital content. It is designed to fabricate the content of the web pages. Web content includes text and embedded graphics,7 lightweight and flexible PHP CMS for small business website Articles photos, videos that display content or interact with the user. A website having lightweight content management system makes it easier for an individual to manage their own website.

Here are some of the lightweight and flexible PHP based framework or CMS:

PICO: Pico is complex free and efficient CMS. The working comprises of creating and maintaining website by editing the text files having no database which makes it more compatible. Simple Markdown formatting feature edit the website making it more representable. Twig templating engine provides the templates to develop the customized website.

Pagekit:  This CMS is built up with modern technologies like Symfony components and Doctrine. Pagekit is free to modify, share and redistribute the blog, company’s website or any other web services. Under the MIT, GPL license, the developer has real freedom to customize the website using Pagekit as CMS.

Dropplets: This CMS comprises of Markdown blogging platform suggesting the solutions regarding to the blogs content. Dropplets provide the platform which makes blogging simple and contain no database so the blog can be written offline using markdown and then could be uploaded to simply publish it online.

Kirby:  This CMS allows you to write the content in markdown format and contain visual markdown editor plugin to make blogs more amazing. Kirby’s highly flexible API is easy to learn and enhances the productivity leading to built-up high quality websites. It is not comprised of any database and has version controllable content, simple backups and other better options available.

Koken: It is a free designed system for photographers, designers, and creative DIYs to publish their independent and customized websites making it more stunning in appearance. It provides feature-rich platform to photographers, artists and designers. The images could be published on website that offers robust publishing tools to make its visibility more enhanced and more user-friendly.

Automad: It provides user-friendly environment to monitor and update website as well as built-up flat CMS template engine. It is designed to be fully portable without any dependencies on database. For the beginners a web-based user interface is pretty good to manage website. The template engine helps the developer to modify the website making it look amazing and content rich. Thus, more visitors visit the site as custom themes are available to make the desired changes.

Monstra: It is efficient and vagile. The CMS having Twitter Bootstrap comprises of built-in for front-end framework database. It uses most appropriate front-end and backend optimization practice. Monstra comprises of html, css, jss files to reduce payload size.

So, these are top 7 lightweight and flexible PHP-based frameworks that will help you create the fully customized website for your small business.