Questions and problems will pop up in your Internet business every day. Do you know the answer to these 4 questions? You might need to if you encounter these problems in the future.
Internet businesses encounter a variety of business situations every day. For example, you have to know how to use your software, how to promote your business, and how to save on taxes. You will make hundreds of decisions each day. You will also encounter problems and questions no matter how efficient your business is. Knowing the answer to problems and questions can mean the difference between a profit and a loss.
Following are a wide variety of common questions many Internet businesses face. These questions are all over the board, which is a great representation of the questions you will have to deal with in your business.
Question #1: I use an Autoresponder. For some reason, my Autoresponder is sending duplicate messages causing me to lose subscribers. Why is the Autoresponder sending duplicate messages?
Answer: You may be putting your email messages in both the text side and the HTML side of the Autoresponder. If you have email in both places then it will send out duplicate content.
You can check this by opening up your Autoresponder and looking under the “Properties” feature. Check to see if you have the email set to “text”. Remember, you want to send your emails as text. Click “save” to save this setting.
Next go back in to where you place your email messages. Make sure that you have placed your email messages in the “text” area only.
Question #2: On my Internet business website should I post articles in full rich HTML text as opposed to PDF format?
Answer: Post your articles in full rich HTML format. Avoid the PDF format because search engines can’t read PDF content. The search engines recognize that it’s a PDF, but they can’t actually read it. You can offer a link to download an HTML article in PDF format if you want, but it is not necessary.
Question #3: Should you post articles on your branding site or on your squeeze page?
Answer: You can put one article on your branding site. You can also put an article on your squeeze page. Think about it. When traffic is driven to your website they are driven to your squeeze page. The article on your squeeze page is more of a benefit to your subscribers than it is to being picked up by search engines. It will help build a relationship with your subscribers from the get-go.
Question #4: What equipment should I use for burning CDs, DVDs, and making labels?
Answer: A great program is “BravoPro” which burns DVDs and CDs. It also creates the labels for you. Make sure to purchase the add-on that lets you burn more CDs and DVDs at one time.
For packaging you can buy items at Office Depot to begin with. This helps you determine which size packaging, etc, works for you. Once you have figured out what packaging is best then you can order in bulk. You can then find a supplier that is cheaper than Office Depot and order in bulk.
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