Guidelines for a Complete Website Design
A good website is something every business requires for growth nowadays. Technology has revolutionized our lives in many ways and there is a certain degree of influence by them in every aspect of our lives.
Any company without a decent website is meant to lose on its competition eventually as their have no scope for reaching out people. Of course,

when people are looking for information the lack the patience and sympathy towards companies with poor websites as they hardly know anything about your company and they are looking out for quality service providers and quality products. Websites today play a very critical role in terms of advertising and marketing and they reach millions of people all across the globe around seas. It has in a way made globalization a much easier task for several companies. And as expected when certain guidelines are ignored, you end up with an incomplete and incompetent website.
A complete website has the following,
The content area contains details about the companies experience in the field, their products, necessary legal qualifications and certifications for approval, their objectives and goals as well as promotions regarding their offers, new products etc. This brings in the reputation for your business. Poor grammar and spelling brings down the company credibility. Valuable information is something everyone looks out for and when they find grammatical mistakes too often they will surely click away without going into the details.
Cross Browser Compatibility:
As technology evolved so has tools used within it. Now there are several different browser softwares operating across the planet serving many people for surfing. The website you build should be compatible with each and every one of them.
Graphics and Photos:
There should be a good load time for your website. And as such a website involves pictures and videos to make it more appealing. But then again, if these pictures and videos are of huge sizes, they tend to take longer to load. You ought to optimize these files and incorporate them into your website so that the website is appealing as well as acts quicker for people.
Background Colors:
You may wish to choose your favorite color as the background but then again it needs to appeal to the viewers. Besides it should not obstruct the viewer from gathering details. The color you give for your website should not be too bright or too dull. It should be perfect and comfortable to view.
Site Navigation:
It should be simple and intuitive. If the viewer is not able to access the details, he will lose patience and leave the site. A website typically contains several web pages and the viewer must be able to navigate through them with ease.
Links and Frames:
Regular testing of your website links is absolutely necessary. It is such a turn off when you have broken links in your website. Try to avoid frames for your website as they tend to make bookmarking options much more uncomfortable and you need this option so that people can visit your website once again.