Got a website? Here's how to make ... of ... simple income ... ... First, every website should allow ... to ... with their e-mail address. You do this by offe
Got a website? Here's how to make thousands of dollars
using simple income generating techniques!
First, every website should allow customers to supply
you with their e-mail address. You do this by offering
them something for free, be it a sample chapter,
newsletter, ebook, or article. Give them something
that's hard to resist, and have a form on your site
that prompts them to sign up and have the information
e-mailed to them.
Once you have their e-mail address, you have the
opportunity to give them your offer time and time
again. Maybe the first time they saw your offer, they
weren't in a buying mood. By repeatedly sending them
your proposition, you can hopefully catch them in a
buying mood and make the sale.
Use an autoresponder for this. Set it up so that a
potential customer will receive an e-mail message from
you every week for the next few months. Just make sure
to always give them the opportunity to unsubscribe.
Step two of creating a profit powerhouse is to offer
multiple products.
Not everyone will need or want your product. Offer
them products that give different benefits. For
instance, I offer a home business that has very little
to do with computers, and lets you work four months a
year. This type of business doesn't appeal to
everyone, so I also offer a computer business
opportunity. They are two completely different
programs, and most potential customers will benefit
from one or the other.
I also offer other products that compliment my item.
Some might be free bonus incentives, others might be
add on products to increase a customers initial
purchase with me. If I'm selling a book on ice
skating, I wouldn't stop there. I might offer ice
skates, winter wear, and smaller reports that
compliment my main product. I could sell my ice
skating by itself, and also offer a combination
package that gives them my main book plus the
additional reports.
The third step is to offer affiliate services and
products that you can't provide on your own. An
example is I offer a manual on a home business that
would require the customer to use copying service. So,
I also recommend an online copy place that gives me a
percentage of the sale from each of my referrals.
Step four is to outline benefits for every product or
service you offer. Even outline benefits of affiliate
programs so that customers will feel the desire to
click on the link you provide.
And finally, I offer an affiliate program for my own
products. Anyone referring a customer to my sales page
gets a 50% cut of the sale. And it cost me very little
time or labor to maintain, but adds monthly sales to
my bottom line that I wouldn't of made otherwise. You
can set up your own affiliate program through as well as sign up to offer
other products.
20-Point Checklist EVERY Sales Letter Must Pass!
Sales letter not pulling like you want? Need a quick "fill in the blanks" formula for ... your next product? Here are 20 ... ... of the ... sales letter: 1) Does your headlHow To Write A High-Profit Autoresponder Series!
It's the truth!A strong ... series can ... double the ... rate of your existing sales ... kidding! I've created ... for sales letters that have ... pushed5 Deadly Effective Sales Letter Profit Boosters You Can Use Now!
1) ASK ... YOUR TARGET PROSPECT CAN ANSWER "YES" TO Asking ... in your sales letter is a powerful way to truly engage your readers. It creates a need for ... and ... the buyers