How To Write A Webpage That Is Liked By Search Engines
There are many things that can result in higher listing by search engines. Webpages are written with an intend to share information or to persuade visitors to buy. If that could please search engines as well you would get a lot of traffic.
Webpages are written with an intend to share information or to persuade visitors to buy. If that could please search engines as well you would get a lot of traffic. There are many things that can result in higher listing by search engines.This is called optimizing the page for search engine. Search engine optimization is a philosophy in itself and has many facets at which you can work upon.But in this article,

we focus on content optimization for the web pageSearch engines have evolved over time and they ca no more be fooled by writing or stuffing keywords. Their algorithm has changed and your page needs to be good and well optimized for getting noticed.Most of effective search engines heavily rely on actual keyword present in your text.Before we move on to text we must also discuss "Title Tag". It is the text that appears on search engine listing and also on browser bar when the web page is displayed.In contrast to meta tags and keywords, title tag is still important.Title tag is the text written in the section of the web page and after the tag. For example, the title of this article would be displayed in browser bar as you read it. Title tag is usually should be between 50 and 80 characters including spaces. The maximum allowed limit is is different for different search engines, so make sure that your most important words are near the beginning of the title.A title tag has to be descriptive of the webpage. Therefore it should be a readable phrase and not a keyword list. If there are too many keywords in your title tag, your site could be seen as spamming. and sections of the area are other two places where you can place your keywords, but a number of search engines today will go straight to the web copy after title tag.You would want your copy to be liked by search engine but at the same time it should be readable by humans too and should not appear keyword stuffed. It is important to put keyword about every hundred words.More important than where you put the keywords is choosing the right keywords. Therefore making a list of relevant keywords for your site would always come handy.One last thing! It takes time to come into search engine listing. Search engines also consider how long you have been online. Therefore success on the search engines will not come overnight.