Workaholic graphic design professionals should stay healthy to keep working efficiently. They should eat healthy, sleep well, exercise and socialize with friends. And in all circumstances, designers should not skip lunch.
You must work to live and not live to work! Yes,

I am talking about workaholic graphic artists who work beyond their allotted time. There is nothing wrong about working hard. However, all work and no rest can create serious health issues for designers. There are
graphic design artists who even work during holidays and weekends.
Such designers stay late in office to make those extra bucks. They often skip lunch to work more! Consequently, they fall prey to various aliments such as stiff neck and digestive disorders. What ever money they earn is spent in visiting a doctor. Whether you are a designer from a
web graphic design India agency or elsewhere, you should remember that “health is wealth”.
This article is therefore dedicated to those designers who love calling themselves workaholics! You need to stay well and hearty to work. Staying healthy is as important as working. If your health deteriorates, you won’t be capable of working for extended hours. Therefore, watch out before it’s too late!
1. Don’t Skip Lunch!
The worst habit of designers is skipping lunch at work. They do it to work more and deliver projects in time. Working with an empty stomach will do more harm than good. It doesn’t make much of a difference to your work if you take a lunch break for half an hour. Therefore, never skip lunch at work. Take your meals in time.
2. Eat Healthy
Designers who don’t skip lunch are prone to having fast food like burgers, hotdogs and pizzas. These are unhealthy food habits and can make you ill. You can suffer from serious health issues like obesity.
I would suggest you to have food that is nutritious and healthy. If you work late nights, make sure that you stick to meals that are high in proteins. You should eat well to be more productive at the work front.
3. Take Health Drinks
To stay healthy, drink plenty of water and fruit juices. Some designers who have problem having fruit juice can switch to green tea. Green tea is effective for keeping fat at bay, and staying away from obesity. Keep yourself hydrated!
4. Sit in a Cozy Chair
As a graphic artist you must be glued to your seat for 9 hours or even more. If the chair you sit is not comfortable, it might give you back aches or stiff necks. Therefore, choose a chair that is cozy and comfortable. Ensure that you have a right posture while sitting.
Opt for a chair that has comfy covering. Working with back pains or stiff neck will hamper your productivity.
5. Work Out
To stay fit workaholic designers should regularly work out. I am not saying that you join a gym. Do simple free hand exercises. Go for morning walks! Take the stairs instead of the elevator. All of these are good exercises to keep you healthy. These exercises actually help you revitalize your energy. You have increased efficiency. .
Do not remain glued to your PC or laptop all the time. You may be pressed up due to a complicated logo or web designing project, but that doesn’t mean that you forget stretching your muscles.
6. Create a Healthy Schedule
When you create a schedule for yourself, make sure that you list activities according to priority. List the tasks first that are simple to perform. If you are designing a flyer for a small business, then finish such tasks first. These projects can be finished off quickly.
While creating a schedule, also include breaks. This will improve your efficiency rather than depleting it.
7. Sleep Tight
Doctors suggest that 7-8 hours of sleep is necessary for staying fit. It is all the more applicable for creative designers who are stressed out most of the time. Lack of sleep will take a toll on your health and productivity. You will lose focus at work.
Therefore, in order to be more productive and efficient, you need to sleep for atleast 8 hours at night.
8. Take a Fresh Breath
As a busy designer in an MNC, you spend nine long hours or even more staring at computer screens. I know you have to work to survive, but there are ways you can enliven your energy.
Rejuvenate your energy by inhaling fresh morning air. Visit your nearest park and spend some time amongst plants, leaves and flowers. Spend some time with nature. Walk bare footed on the green grass. Connect with nature. This will help you to stay not only healthy, but also creative.
9. Be Social
Graphic designers hardly have any time to socialize with friends and acquaintances. They spend most of the time confined to their work stations. I would suggest that you take out time and get social. This will help to stay away from depression.
Chat with friends about the movie that you recently watched or a cricket match that you enjoyed on television. It will help as a great stress buster, and divert your attention to interesting things.
Work is not everything in life. Remember the saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
Indulge in amusing activities like traveling, having night outs or indulging in a game of tennis. You can also listen to music, read a motivating book or watch a good movie. All these will refresh your mind to produce quality designs.
10. Meditate
It is natural to be stressed out after a hard day’s work. Therefore, spend some time in meditation. Spend atleast 15 minutes completely with yourself. Take a deep breath to release your stress.
Do this religiously to appreciate your self worth. Meditate everyday for about 10-15 minutes. It will revitalize your lost energies. You will be a better performer, believe me.
11. Switch to Vitamins
As a workaholic graphic designer, you should consult your doctor and take vitamins. There are some designers who opt for ferrous sulfate to ensure that they are not anaemic despite working long hours or skipping food.
I suggest you consult a physician before taking vitamins. Only a medical professional will be able to prescribe the vitamins that you need.
Your dosage of vitamins will help you make up for the nutritional deficiencies in your body.
12. Work Life Balance
By work life balance, I mean spending good time with your family. If you think that spending time with your family is not important, then you are wrong. Spending quality time with your spouse and kids will fuel your efficiency. You will feel happy and fulfilled by spending time with people you care.
After work, dine out with your family at your favorite restaurant. Next day you will feel more motivated to start working on a new graphic web design project.
It is important to work to survive, but don’t make it the be-all and end-all of your life. Rest and amusement are equally important for designers to stay fit. Therefore, take good care of your health to keep designing creatively!