PopUps are a cheap way of building huge client bases and emailing lists. The reason so many sites use them is simply because they work, successfully generating valuable leads for a company and increasing their fan base or brand awareness.
Popups are annoying, right? But still a majority of websites use it as a lead generator. Wondering why?
Thousands of websites use pop-ups as a powerful lead generator and improve their subscriber's list. Pop-ups are those little annoying boxes that pop-up at you while you are comfortably browsing a site and insist you to find a small X button to close it. As a matter of fact, they are annoying but they work – really well.
Let's have a look at their bright and dark side and get an insider view at them.
The dark side:
There is a reason why pop-ups are so hated in the online world. Many websites use many pop-up's for things that many people were not interested in. There is a pop-up for almost everything from newsletter sign-ups to the new product launched by the online store. Yes, pop-up's can be big bucks, but, in the end, overusing them can cost you a heavy amount. Earlier, the sites who overused them ultimately got penalized. And therein lies pop-up's dark side.
Overusing pop-ups can degrade the credibility of a website. A majority of web users do not like pop-ups for a simple reason – they are annoying and cause a lot of disruption while browsing. Another downside of using pop-ups is the slow loading of your web pages, which is one of the major factors of SEO and conversions. The point is anything that offers less than the right message at the right time can be a disruption for visitors and push them away from your site.
Poor popup ad timing can also wreak the established reputation of your website. A pop-up usually comes under aggressive marketing and pushes your visitors to your websites – which may not interest your audience. For example, you probably have been on a site that assaults you with ads. Instead of staying on the site, you rather prefer moving on to another site to gather the required information. Bombarding your visitors with unnecessary ads from sponsors and punishing them for being on your site with a pop-up when they plan on leaving can be really frustrating.
The Bright Side:
After all the annoyance and frustration they offer, there is certainly a bright side of popups. The major benefit of using pop-up is lead generation. The sole aim of a website is to enhance your market reach, you want to attract as many readers as you want to your website and eventually become your loyal customers. This is the reason why content marketing has gained a lot of popularity lately.
But what good a content would do to your website if it gets no readers? Your content marketing strategies are as good as your subscriber list. With a great content, you may naturally get a lot of visitors and subscribers, but a pop-up increases your efforts by turbo-charging those conversions. The main purpose of a pop-up is to offer a powerful call-to-action and we all know how important call-to-actions are for use. This call-to-action can be an announcement about the launch of a new product or merely to collect email addresses, as long as you know how to make the most of it, you are good to go.
Wrapping up:
By now you know whether you should use this aggressive marketing or not. The bottom line is that pop-ups do work provided you are wise while presenting them. In fact, study after study has proven that they really work and can increase your conversions by a large percentage.
Happy Popping!
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