The Psychology of Web Surfers
The best way to build an effective website is to understand the psychology of web surfers.
Here are some things you should know about web surfers:
- They are busy
- They are impatient
- They have short attention spans
- They are turned off by a lot of text
- Clutter on a webpage overwhelms them and is a turn off
- They will more often than not leave a website without clicking past the homepage
What can you do to make your website more inviting to the average web surfer?
General Tips
- Build an attractive website. Plain,
cluttered and homemade sites are turn offs
- Provide useful content. A visitor should be able to learn within seconds the products or services you offer. If they don't they may go elsewhere.
- A majority of web surfers have a monitor resolution of 1024x768. Your website should be designed to fit this resolution
- If possible, your homepage should not scroll. Everything on your homepage should fit in the average web surfer's viewing area, approximately 550 pixels in height for a resolution of 1024x768
- Don't use frames
Homepage/Entry Page:
- Don't use Flash intro pages
- Always put text on your homepage, so visitors to your site will immediately know what products or services you offer
- Don't clutter your homepage with lots of text, images and links
- Be concise
- Write short paragraphs
- Make it easy to quickly scan your pages for relevant information
- Write in an informational, rather than promotional, style
- Use bold text and bulleted links
- Have lots of white space (empty space)
- Your most important and relevant information should be viewable without having to scroll
- Links should be easy to find (no drop down menus)
- Navigation menus should be basic and easy to use (avoid complex multi-level menus as much as possible)
- Provide a brief description under links to your own articles
- Provide a brief description under links to external sites
- External sites should open in a new window, to avoid sending people away from your site