In order to ensure that an ecommerce site succeeds in meeting its objectives i. e. to lure people into purchasing products and services online, these sites need to fulfill certain criteria. These criteria come in the form of certain unique features that help the businesses sell their product and services online without any hiccup whatsoever.
The concept of shopping has undergone a radical change following the introduction of online shopping concept. More and more companies are opting for this mode of shopping, deviating from using brick and mortar stores to sell their products and service. While from the point of view of the businesses, it is helping in reduction of the infrastructural cost, from the customers’ point of view, it is making their lives easier.
However, according to a specific school of thought, this online shopping concept is not without any shortcoming. Firstly, customers are denied of ‘physically’ visiting the stores and experiencing the real world ‘look and feel’ of the products before purchasing them. Secondly, on certain occasions they have to make online payments, though the option of payment on delivery is also there. Online payment is still a matter of great uncertainty in the psyche of certain sect of customers. Hence, in order to counter these so called inhibitions, an ecommerce web design requirements have certain features that will impart a world of confidence in the psyche of the end users, thereby enticing them to purchase products online.
Flawless usability
As the concept of selling products and services online asks the customers to use the website vigorously, usability is one of the most important salient features that these sites need to come up with. In fact, usability needs to be the primary consideration and is one of the most important salient features of these sites. The sites need to be designed in such a way that even a person who is surfing through the site for the first time, and the ones who are not that tech savvy, find it extremely easy to navigate through the pages and take a concrete purchasing decision, place the order and make the online payment in a seamless way without any hiccup, whatsoever.
Simple Theme
The look and feel of the sites needs to be as simple as it can be. The visitors should be able to find the products they are looking for, quickly and without any confusion and problem. The online payment system and the functionalities of the shopping cart need to be as simple as possible, and must not evoke any confusion that might deter the customers from using the site further.
There needs to be additional charges for value added functionalities like GST, postage, and the likes.
Presence of Support Functions
Each and ecommerce website design company comes up with ecommerce sites with a sound supporting function. The idea behind adding a sound supporting system is to provide customers immediate additional help if and when needed, like a live chat option that will help customers resolve any query at any given point in time.
Look and feel
The basic objective of an ecommerce site is to promote the online sale of product or service in a seamless way. Hence, the look and feel of the site should be such that the customers are encouraged to consider purchasing them online. The products and services need to be presented in such a way that it encourages the customers. There should be multiple products on the site so that the users have a lot of options to choose from.
The bottom line is that the site needs to be simple, yet attractive and most importantly, convincing enough so that people do not think twice before taking the decision to go for the online purchase.
Safety and security
This is the most important key to success of an ecommerce website design. The payment gateway system needs to be absolutely foolproof and safe, so that customers never ever have any issue regarding payment, and they can be rest assured that their sensitive financial information are in safe hands.
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