New web design ideas and trends are being developed briskly to offer visitors better experience. This article lists some of the most popular latest web design trends.

corporate, socialization and business websites are now becoming more and more visitor friendly by incorporating new features. The innovations of faster computers, smartphones, portable devices, highly supporting web browsers, ecommerce options, social life on web and faster internet connections have facilitated this evolution process. Now browsing the web and living on the web is far more simple and beautiful. This article discusses the new trends in web design industry.
All Device Support: As the difference in number of visitors using desktop computers, laptops, smart phones, notebooks and tablets is reducing day by day, websites that support all devices without losing any significant structural or style features are being widely developed now.
Large or Page Full Image Backgrounds: Websites that require very good presentation, style and scrolling effects are now using very large image backgrounds. Once limited to websites related to décor and beauty products, this feature is now very widely followed for almost every type of website.
Bold and Contrasting Colors: The black & white or more precisely the blue & while era of internet is now over. Now we see websites that are much more colorful and uses an artistic combination of bold and contrasting colors with white or image backgrounds. Interestingly the use of button-like icons and gradient icons are also getting replaced by clear and simple icons that are easily noticeable on any device.
Minimal Web Design: Now designers are avoiding flooding of pages, especially home page, with many gadgets, text boxes, and images. Only the core product/service/theme is highlighted. Also, innovative ideas, animations and images are used more to replace very descriptive text content.
Fixed Header Bars and Vertical Navigation: Fixed navigation bars save time of the visitors especially when using devices that are comparatively difficult to scroll. Also, fixed bars can create a site-wide graphic effect which can be very helpful for brand building.
Parallax Scrolling: The CSS3 features help designers to create a parallax scrolling effect where the background scrolls slower than the foreground. This creates a marvelous animation effect.
Infinite Scrolling: Continuously loading content into the page as the visitor scrolls down saves time of the visitor and help him stay on the site for much longer period. Also, as the page is loaded continuously, visitors can enjoy better reading and socialization effect.
Typography and Large Texts: Now designers extend their imagination into creating beautiful web typography with excellent font combinations. Designers no longer fully depend on classic fonts and display styles. Also, it is now common to use very large text that can almost fill the computer screen.