You can Make Successful Business Website
Generally every page in the web design has its own importance as far as considering target audience, search and search engine marketing. For more details visit www.automatic-contant.comengines
Generally every page in the web design has its own importance as far as considering target audience,

search engines and search engine marketing. For more details go to In product or service page you need to put detail information about product or service to increase your business domestically and internationally as well as build brand image of product.
Essential information in designing product page:-
Product details Features Advantages Technical details and specification [if any] Product photographs Enquiry details Order form Achievements:
In website designing, Achievement page make good impression of your company as it gives about your company’s ability and efficiency. While designing this webpage you can put:
Awards Successful projects or works Participation in major events Participation in national or international exhibitions Events or Seminars organized by companies Clientele:
You need to put clientele page to get more benefit from your web site. This is the page from which you can make reliable and trustable image of your company. The person always looks for reliability while buying product or opting any services. The list of major clientele gives assurance to other people that your company is trustworthy. There are good chances to get good business enquiries.
List of clientele Client speaks [Certificates given by clients for quality product/ service] Contact Page:
Finally designing the web page that make people reach to you. It is beneficial to give contact details of all your business offices that customer can easily approach you. In designing contact page, you need to put contact details as follows
Map indicating geographical location of your company and marketing network Address, Phone, Fax and Email of:
Registered Office Branch offices [ if any] Factory office [ If any] Sales office [ If any] If you are a corporate company and having wide network of dealer and distributors; in such case you can design software module for easy selection and communication with your marketing network and satisfy your customer by providing quick and efficient services.
Sitemap is the most important page in your website. For more details go to It is very vital for any website design. It helps user to navigate your site very easily. It gives quick glance of entire website and user can get information easily in single click without surfing entire site. Sitemap prevents visitors to escape from your site by providing appropriate information. The sitemap is very useful for SEO. In search engine optimization sitemap is very useful to get top ranking in search engines such as Google, MSN, Yahoo etc.
Place all links in text format Place main links Also put sub links below the main links Make a tree form of all main link, sub link and so on… After designing website, you need appropriate marketing strategy to generate more traffic to the sites. Marketing your website is most effective when the marketing strategy has been incorporated into the initial design of the site. For all these you need to hire experience and Professional Web Design Company with SEO skills.