Your Website Must include a Call-to-Action
When you are developing your website, how do you put a call-to-action to your website to tell people that they should reliably download your offering? Well, here are some instructions on how to put a call-to-action to your download.
Suppose you are planning on creating a website. This website would prompt users to download your software. But of course,

many people are not very comfortable in blindly downloading things found on the internet because of viruses and other problems. So how do you put a call-to-action to your website to tell people that they should reliably download your offering? Well, here are some instructions on how to put a call-to-action to your download. In this example let us assume it is a software download being you are offered.
The first thing you should do is lay down your groundwork and tell the users the features of the download and the benefits they will receive as a result. All of this must be done in a very brief description. For example you could tell them everything in bullet form. Paragraph form also works just as long as it is brief, concise and clear.
After this, you need to put a few extras about the software. Maybe a demo video clips? Possibly a few images and testimonials will help as well. Provide something they can view to see that the software really is operational and works as you describe. People want to see what they are about to download in detail.
Then, put a few ratings and a testimonials page where satisfied down loaders state something good about your software. People want to see that other people were satisfied with something as a part of their decision making process. It helps lead to the decision they will really download the software.
Make sure what you are offering is very obvious, and make the download process is quick and easy for a visitor to complete. Do not hide a small download button somewhere off to the side of the page where it is hard to locate. Make the download button large enough to be seen, and make sure it fits with the look and flow of the page. Be sure to include directions to ‘Start Download Here’ or something similar that prompts a visitor to take the desired action. After you layout the flow and contents for your website, and before you go operational, make sure the site is clean or artistically appealing to visitors.
Convincing people to download your software can be challenging. People are becoming more and more careful about purchasing and downloading from a site they do not know. In our software example, a call-to-action following a clear list of product features and the main benefits to the downloader is used along with positive previous downloader testimonials to persuade the crowd to download. Then we make it easy to find the download button and provide that last-minute direction to “Start Download Here”….
There are many ways to call website visitors to take the desired action. However it is important to set the stage to achieve the desired outcome throughout your website. Never leave visitors in a position of having unanswered questions, and never leave them in a position of deciding to leave your site before taking the action you desire them to take.