How to Drive Traffic Through Forum Signatures
Forum signature advertising is one of the best method of promotion is you know how to do it. A free and most effective way to gain both traffic and backlink is buy having appealing forum signatures.
After joining an active forum where you want to start your campaign,

the first thing to do is "to be good". Do not include your link or your ad directly in the body of your message. Just introduce yourself without mentioning anything about your blog or website in message body.
Some important points to be considered.
* Threads. The best thing to attract reader's attention is by posting very informative and unique threads. Threads that could make readers think, threads that are first time to be seen on forum, and threads that can be argued and can drive many comments and reactions. I hate people who are copying other threads from other forums, or copying other articles from article sites. If you do this, you are degrading your self.
* Posts. Post sensibly. This thing is easy to read, easy to understand, but hard to do. Posts like "I agree", "Nice Idea", "Very informative", "I will do it", etc are nothing but crap. No wonder why most forums set the minimum number of characters to avoid these types of messages. Answer the thread or the above post with content that invites another member to react so that the thread would keep rolling carrying your signature.
* Maintain Your Thread. Always answer every time another member or members posted a message under your thread. This is to keep your thread alive and your signature visible. But of course you must take note of the above remarks when posting. Do not post crap just to bump your thread. Wait for others to post and if no one is interested to post anymore, consider your thread dead and create another good one.
* Maintain the threads where you have posts (subscribed threads). Just the same as maintaining your thread. In order to view these threads if there are new posts, just visit your "User Control panel", or "User Profile Page". To make your "subscribed" threads available in your control panel, for VBulettin Forums click on "Control Panel", go to "Edit Options" and on "Default Thread Subscription Mode", select "No email Notification" from the drop down menu.
Being active on 3 to 5 forums daily could really help your website grow. Creating a unique thread in top 5 webmaster forums and maintain it within one week can give your site at least 30 unique visitors daily depending on how active the thread is.