Link bait pages are a powerful way to get regular visitors to your site especially if it's new. But if you don't set them up correctly they could be a big waste of time as we reveal in this informative guide.
Link bait pages have in the past been used by bloggers to increase the amount of traffic that they are getting. There are several different methods that websites can use for bringing in traffic quickly as well as for bringing traffic in on a consistent basis.
Link baiting techniques are perhaps the most efficient method for bringing in traffic to your website without paying expensive advertising fees. These seven methods are the most effective ways for increasing traffic to your link bait page:
1. Create Quality Content
One of the most effective ways for getting a lot of traffic to your website is to have quality content on your website. This will give visitors a reason to come back to your site on a daily basis.
The most successful websites are the ones that have quality content that is interesting. The fact of the matter is that it can take a long time to build up a large quantity of quality content. There are other methods for bringing in traffic such as a news feed.
2. News Feeds
If you have an interesting story it can often help you to bring in large quantities of traffic. The best type of link bait is the one that offers an interesting piece of news content. The reason for this is that exclusive new content helps to drive people to websites.
This works because you have something that no one else has. Writing up big news stories helps a lot when trying to bring in traffic to your website. This is a powerful link baiting tip.
3. Disagree With The Norm
Perhaps there is a subject matter in your niche that most people agree with. If you take a different stance on this subject you may be able to drive large quantities of traffic to your website.
At the same time,

you must be prepared to defend your view point. In reality, this may require a lot of your time because you will have to respond to many comments from people that disagree with you. This is still a great method for bringing traffic into your website!
4. Attack An Established Stance
This is one of the more difficult things to do properly but also one of the more powerful link baiting tips. The reason for this is that it is much more controversial than the disagreement hook. This is because it is a blatant attack on a view point that may have already been established within your niche.
If you choose to use this method it is vital that you do not attack an individual. It is better to attack the person's views and not the actual person. Even negative attention can go a long way in bringing in traffic to your website. You should only use this method if you are 100% sure that you can back up your point of view and have examples to prove that you are right.
5. Comedy
Another way that you can write content on your link bait page is to take a comical approach to things. If you are good at being funny within your writing you can bring in a lot of traffic to your website. The reason for this is that people will sit their laughing everyday when they visit your website! You may even have people commenting on how much they laugh when they read your writing.
6. Give Lots Of Value
If you are giving something away to people that is of a high value people will always visit your website. The fact of the matter is that what you are giving away does not have to be something that costs a lot of money. You could even offer a free eBook to people that visit your website. If people value the information within this eBook they will pass along your URL to other friends and family that they may have.
7. Create A Resource For People
Most people do not realize how often information is searched for on the Internet. If you create a link bait page that has a lot of useful information for your niche then you will quickly find yourself with more traffic than you can handle.
More link baiting tactics includes creating a directory of blogs that pertain to your niche, or listing other helpful tools. You can even provide simple tools such as calculators to your visitors. All of these tools should pertain to something within your niche. All of these tools will help you to bring significantly more traffic into your website if you use them correctly!