The first question is how much do you want to lose? The second question is what time frame do you want to lose it in? Third question how do you plan to do it? Well let's see if I can help you out. I know how you may feel about not changing your eating pattern.
3 ways how to lose weight without dieting are:
First Suggestion:
Walking consistently. Anytime I begin to notice extra pounds one of the first things that I do is to start walking.Walking is one of the best ways for me to drop some pounds. I burn calories when I consistently walk. I prefer walking in the evenings because it allows me also to relive any stress I encountered during the day.
Sometimes I speed walk and then at other times I walk a longer distance. There is no set pattern in my choice. I method I use is based on how I may be feeling at the time. There are times that I just don't feel like walking at a constant fast pace, therefore I don't. The key factor for me is just simply walk frequently.
The other reason I like to walk in the evening is because I have the opportunity to burn my evening meal calories. You know, the slice of apple pie and perhaps the ice cream. Sometimes I just like clearing my mind I thinking about my goals such as losing some pounds. I feel so much refreshed after I've been walking. It makes me feel positive.
Second Suggestion:
Eat breakfast and don't eat late in the evening. When you start your day with a full stomach you less likely to snack throughout the day. You're less likely to get hungry. Also eat more fruits and vegetables they will provide you with fiber and also can be quite filling. Add protein to your meals because it will help keep you feeling full A cup of grapes as a snack can replace the candy bar you may be accustomed to having.
Third Suggestion:
Drink a lot of water. Water has so many benefits besides being an important aid to losing weight. Water flushes toxins from your system as well as fight fatigue. Drink water throughout the day. Water is also good for your skin and muscle tone; don't allow yourself to become dehydrated. Water also makes your metabolism burn calories faster. I bet now you appreciate water a little more don't you?
Well, I hope these 3 suggestions help you as they have helped me. In addition to me implementing these 3 things I also make sure I watch what and how I eat. A helpful site that is informative on weight loss and is a good resource concerning foods that you can enjoy and lose weight is
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