My family and I enjoy going out to dinner and trying new restaurants. Eating out is one of our great past-times. It’s fun and relaxing. It’s whe...
My family and I enjoy going out to dinner and trying new restaurants. Eating out is one of our great past-times. It’s fun and relaxing. It’s where our family bonded.

when I go to a restaurant, apart from catching up with each other, the natural tendency is to eat and eat until I feel bloated.
Let's face it- when you're eating out at a restaurant it's almost impossible to resist all the delicious fattening foods on the menu. One meal at a restaurant can easily add up to a day's requirements of calories if you're not careful. However, it's still possible to enjoy your dinner out with great tasting food minus all the calories if you know what to order. Yes, you can eat out and eat healthily, too.
The most important thing you can do is to be alert of healthy choices and to make wise choices. As with all things, moderation and sensibility are keys to success with any diet.
Remember not to deprive yourself of the foods you love. All foods can fit into a well-balanced diet. Here are some of the guidelines you may want to follow while eating out:
1. Don’t do buffets: A lot of the foods you see at buffets are rich in calorie content. These foods are cooked in bulk with a large amount of oil, thereby making them unsuitable for those who are looking forward to shedding some pounds. If you really want to eat from buffets, make sure you steer clear of these fatty foods and choose the salads and other healthier alternatives instead! That way, you won't accumulate an excessive amount of fat in your body!
2. Never arrive at the restaurant hungry. Nibble something healthy like an apple a short time before you go out for dinner. It will help you to control your appetite.
3. Control your portions: Easier said than done but please do check the amount of food you are going to eat before you take that bite! If you think that the food provided to you exceed the portion control limit you are allowed, eat according to your portion limit and then carry the leftovers back home to be eaten on the next day. Ask the restaurant to pack the leftover to bring home.
4. Eat slowly and enjoy every bite of the food. Make a good conversation at the table. Put your fork and spoon down between bites. Do not pick it up again until you finished swallowed the last bite. This will allow your body time to digest.
5. Drink a lot of water before you start your meal. Drink plain water and strictly avoid soda and alcoholic drinks. This will make you fuller and less likely to eat too much.
6. Order from the appetizer menu. The appertizer plates are smaller than the dinner plates and you will eat less. Appetizers are more reasonably priced and they will save you some money as well. If you are still hungry, order a side salad, the fiber-rich veggies will round out your meal.
7. Opt for low calories salad dressing. If it is unavailable, use a tiny amount of salad dressing. You have heard it a zillion times that salads are good for quick weight loss. The reason behind this is that salads are nothing but raw vegetables in chopped form. Raw vegetables, as you might be aware, help you burn fat by boosting your metabolic rate. However, the salad dressing that is provided in most restaurants is rich in calorie. So whenever you ask for salads, make sure to instruct them to remove the salad dressing from the
top! .
8. Skip a dessert or leave a little time for your food to digest before you order a dessert. It takes about 20 minutes. If you still want a dessert, consider to split it into two and share with your companion.