I am my ideal weight, I am beautiful, I am powerful! These affirmations done on a daily basis will bring in all the positive aspects in achieving your weight loss goals. Act as if and you will receive!
Close Kept Secrets to Weight LossLesson #3
Whew! So how did you do on that last lesson? Have you been practicing? There was a lot of content to take in and absorb, and practicing the techniques as well. I wanted to make sure I included it all so you could see it from start to finish.
Now, this is via e-mail, and my sessions over the phone and face-to-face, are longer. I’ve seen such amazing results with Rapid Eye Technology and Emotional Freedom Techniques and it’s only over a short period of time. Everyone feels a substantial release only after one session.
We’re moving into a new reality with energy therapy. Take care of the problem in quick, easy steps. It’s very different than standard talk therapy, which some people have used for several years to overcome a problem. I was here as well. I had been to see different therapists off and on, but never released the problem until I saw an energy practitioner. I understood the part my childhood played in my life; I just didn’t know how to release the pain. Once I did, I felt pure euphoria (I love that word) and became a totally different person. It’s a very freeing experience!
So how long is a session? Sessions are one and half hours the first session to gain information on the client and one hour in subsequent sessions. Some people can actually release their pain in three sessions…..a woman who suffered from sexual abuse from her father did just that. Incredible, isn’t it? Once the pain is released, then the client is able to make new, healthy choices and live the life he or she is destined to have. It’s amazing the pain we hold in our thoughts/our bodies and that becomes the basis of our existence. We tend to live life in struggle and we believe that this is what life is supposed to be. We grew up thinking that life is hard and strife becomes our comfort.
We get stuck in our thoughts that there is no other choice. We think in terms of limits and we place those limits on ourselves with our thoughts. God has wonderful plans for you; you just will continue to peel back layers to know your wholeness. Here's your homework. If you have't written your affirmations, then this week take some time to do so. Spend time each day on your affirmations. The more positive information you can bring into your energy space (this is the entire space around you) on a daily basis, the better. Make sure they're in the present....I am powerful, I am beautiful!
Remember, we have to break free of the negative programming that life is a struggle. Spend time doing positive things and affirmations is one way to do this. Have fun with this process. Turn on the music and dance while you're reading them. I love butt-movin' music. Sounds fun, doesn't it?
Again, thank you for allowing me this opportunity to live my passion. I am destined to help you clear your negative stuff so you, the glorious child of God that you are, get to truly experience life on such a deeper spiritual level.
I can’t wait until next week when I get to talk to you again. Check out
Love and hugs,
Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #52
Investing in yourself is very important to achieving all that you intend. Standing up and affirming you are important will show the Universe that you are excited to receive its gifts. It's through you that everything will manifest, and performing the simple daily activities that ensures your expression of the God within is essential for creative manifestation.Unveiling the Hidden Treasures of Wellness and Purpose
Discover the profound connection between optimal health and living your true purpose. While only a small fraction of people fully embrace their life's calling, wellness can be the key to unlocking your potential. This exploration delves into the philosophy that great health is not just about the absence of illness, but a gateway to fulfilling your dreams and sharing your unique gifts with the world.Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #49
When you don’t have great relationships, you hold on to these negative emotions which cause all sorts of problems in the body. Remember, the body doesn’t lie—it always tells the truth—the truth being your connection to God is corroded. What is your body telling you about your relationships?