Diet Plans - Popular Diet Plans Review
This article examines popular diet plans for weight loss and provides information about their program. Consider a diet plan that will give you long term results.
Typically when diet plans and weight loss programs are compared,

it's done to show you things like differences in price, foods you can and can not eat, and which ones are easier to follow. It's safe to say that this comparison is going to be a little bit different.The Atkins Diet Plan:The Atkins Diet is a high-protein, high-fat and low-carbohydrate weight-loss diet popularized by Dr. Robert C. Atkins. It is a form of ketogenic diet.The science behind how the Atkins diet helps you to lose weight is simple. When you eat very few carbohydrates (which are your usual main source of energy), the body goes into what is called a 'ketogenic state' where it must rely on stored fat for energy. As a result, you burn fat quickly and begin to lose weight. This process also makes the body produce compounds called ketones, which initially give dieters a 'buzz' or euphoric feeling. Most dieters don't feel deprived on low-carbohydrates diets for the first several days because they are eating meals high in fat.Weight Watchers Diet Plan:Weight Watchers is a diet program which combines weight loss and exercise ideas. As a membership incentive system it offers special foods, cookbooks and exercise plans for a fee.Weight Watchers points are awarded for success and the dieter has the support of Weight Watchers groups around the world and chapter members from his or her local group. The advantages are that one can lose weight with others, having the support of others who are fighting the same battles. Weight Watcher products are readily available, and there are hundreds of web sites for support.Jenny Craig Weight Loss Program:The Jenny Craig program offers personalized diet plans, and offers guidance at weekly meetings at Jenny Craig centers.Participants must follow their personal meal plan, consisting of pre-packaged 'Jenny' meals along with healthy fruits and vegetables. The plan encourages healthy lifestyle changes and moderate eating. Clients get a personal touch as they work with counselors to find out their unique caloric needs, and can adjust their goals accordingly.The Slim-Fast Plan:Slim-Fast consists of meal-replacement shakes, snack bars and one real-food dinner, giving a total of around 1200 calories in a single day.Slim-Fast has been designed to make weight-loss as easy as possible. There is nothing to count, no need to measure portions, you don't need to eliminate anything from your diet; all foods are OK, and no foods are forbidden. The plan involves 6 small meals/snacks per day, using Slim-Fast products for two meals and a snack and the rest of the day you're on your own, to prepare a "sensible" dinner. Once you reach your weight-loss goal, just replace one meal a day with a Slim-Fast meal and stick with the healthy lifestyle changes that you have made, such as exercising, and you will maintain your weight.The NutriSystem Diet Meal Plan:The NutriSystem Diet entails eating mainly prepackaged NutriSystem meals until you reach your desired weight. For about $300 you get 28 days worth of entrees, snacks, and desserts delivered to your home.You begin this diet by selecting the program that best meets your needs: Women’s, Men’s, Silver for Women, Silver for Men, Type 2 Diabetes, or Vegetarian. You can then either let NutriSystem select your meals or you can choose for yourself. Standard programs, such as Women's or Men's, offer over 300 different meals to choose from. But subscribers to the other programs have a more limited selection; for example, the vegetarian program lets you choose from about 60 entrees and desserts). Once you enroll in a program, the meals that you select will be delivered to your home. The meals are designed to be quick and convenient and don't even require refrigeration.The South Beach Diet:The South Beach Diet emphasizes normal portions of lean proteins such as fish and chicken; unlimited amounts of low-glycemic-index vegetables; ample amounts of healthy fats such as olive and canola oil, nuts and avocados; and small portions of "healthy carbs" found in fruit and less-processed grains.By following this way of eating, the plan promises positive changes in markers of cardiovascular health: lower cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, along with increased HDL cholesterol levels. There are three phases in this diet. Dieters are encouraged to move back and forth between the different phases as needed to maintain their weight loss.Phase I is the most restrictive and lasts for two weeks. It emphasizes lean proteins, fat-free or low-fat cheese, nuts, eggs, tofu, legumes, healthy types of fat and low-glycemic-index vegetables. Phase II reintroduces fruit, whole grain bread, rice, pasta and fat-free milk and yogurt. Dieters stay on Phase II until they've lost their desired amount of weight. Phase III is for maintenance and should be followed for life.In summary, there is more than one way to lose weight. Include a fitness routine no matter how small, and you're guaranteed an easier time bridging the weight loss gap.