How To Get Faster Fat Burning Results: The Secret Tool To Achieving The Body You Want
Learn one of the most effective fat burning tools to finally lose the stubborn belly fat. Discover why using this tool is essential to your successful fat loss and in achieving your goals.
Every woman wants to know how to lose stubborn belly fat,

lose weight and inches in the surest and fastest way. One of secrets tools I recommend for women a body fat tester. By using this for tool women can easily measure their progress in a better way than the scale.Some women ask if the scales that detect your body fat work. The answer is "No".These types of scales don't account for dehydration. For example you could step on it in the morning and be 28% body fat then later in the day you step on it again it says 33%. Your body will fluctuate constantly throughout the day and even from day to day. Depending on how much water you have in your body, if you are having your monthly cycle and any other hormonal changes. It can be very discouraging too. Another device is the electrical hand held device, which again is often inaccurate for the same reason stated earlier. This is not to be confused with the digital calipers which can also measure your body fat.If you are working with a professional that can track your body fat, most likely they will take it with caliper, which is a body fat tester. How does body fat tester work? It works by a simply pinching skin in designated sites on the body. The product comes along with a guide and sites for you to measure.Can I use a body fat tester on myself? Yes you can.Keeping track of your body fat by testing it will actually get you results quicker. Why? Think of it this way, if were in sales and you had a monthly quota to reach you figure out how many sales you would have to make in a day or week in order to get to your goal. Additionally, by tracking it you would also figure out after each sale what you did that worked as well as the sales that you didn't get to keep you on track of your monthly goal. This is how your brain works..when it is given a set of instructions in this case your body fat goal. It will find a way to keep on top on your goal and if you need to tweak your program it will make adjustments or in this case you would simply post your question on the forum.For example: "I have been tracking my body fat using the calipers and for the past 3 weeks nothing is changing what can I do to get my body fat moving in the right direction?"From there you will be able to get the answers quickly with this question along with explaining what your are doing with your nutrition and training. When women realize the beauty of this powerful tool they are hooked and no longer a slave to the scale.What about weighing myself, why do so many programs focus on weight loss rather than fat loss?Because weighing yourself is only a small portion of the picture to measuring results. Remember muscle weighs more than fat. So many women will get discouraged when weighing themselves right after they implement a fat loss program, as they tend to see the scale go up. What you need to realize is that your body will fluctuate when you start working out, especially with weights you tend to retain what is called inter cellular fluid (water weight).How accurate is a body fat test? The secret is really the same method and the same tester when using a body fat test. I like to use a 9 site reading but to get more information about the body fat and it's sums. However, don't be concerned about that, as I mentioned the key is the same method and the same tester. You could even have a friend, husband, or boyfriend perform the testing if you want as well. Make sure they understand that it must be consistent.