Isabel owns New Body, Center for Fitness and Nutrition, which is located in New Jersey. She is a certified nutritionist and has a lifetime of experience in exercise. She knows what it takes to live a healthy life because she is in fact a beautiful, healthy woman herself. She actually lives according to the strategies of health that she preaches to others.

with all the weight loss and exercise information in print and online anybody can realistically create a weight loss ebook but not everyone has the right education, training, and experience to create weight loss program that works. With a lot confidences it can be reported that Isabel De Los Rios has both the background and knowledge to author such an ebook.
De Los Rios’ Professional Credentials
Isabel has the right education, training, and experience to develop a bestselling ebook on losing weight, burning fat, and teaching people how to implement a healthy lifestyle. She has earned a degree in exercise physiology from Rutgers University in New Jersey.
Her studies emphasized on exercise physiology and scientific studies in both physical and physiological methods of training and exercising. Isabel De Los Rios has the knowledge base to discuss exercising and how it relates to weight loss, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle.
De Los Rios also is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). This is the most advanced certification granted by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
The CSCS labels Isabel as a professional who is able to use her knowledge in training athletes in both strength and conditioning. Therefore, She has proven to have the necessary knowledge in areas of nutrition, biomechanics and injury prevention to teach others how to lose weight and develop an exercise program to burn fat.
In addition to Isabel’s CSCS certification, she is very passionate about helping individuals with weight loss and fitness training. Because of her passion she was driven to become a Holistic Nutrition Lifestyle Coach, which is a certification issued by the Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology Institute located in San Diego California. Basically, her knowledge and skills has developed to the point she is able to help other increase their physical vitality, lessen their mental stress, and help them to attain a leaner body - all the ingredients for a happy and healthy life.
With her education, training, and experience she created and authored the bestselling ebook, The Diet Solution Program. The program has sold over 70,000 copies. She is also owns in the state of New Jersey the New Body Center for Fitness and Nutrition.
The Diet Solution Program Description
With her impressive list of nutrition and fitness credentials, it is no surprise that She has provided a variety of guidelines in her ebook, The Diet Solution Program that relates to losing weight and burning fat.
In the ebook, you will discover these benefits and more in the weight loss program:
-A list of fat burning foods that can be customized based on an individual's height, weight, and other physical attributes that will lead to weight loss.
-An exercise workout that will cause you to sweat a little and, thus, shed excess weight, melt away the fat, and sculpt the body all in a way to prevent injuries. Remember that she is an expert in both fitness and exercising.
If you are looking for a coach knowledgeable and skilled in the subject of exercise, nutrition and weight loss, then look no further than Isabel De Los Rios.