The Key to Weight Loss is Knowing Your Body Type

Mar 26


Michael B. Roth

Michael B. Roth

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Do you know what your Body Type Is? That is the Key to loosing Belly Fat, and keeping it off! Read on to find out how!


What causes obesity? As with many medical conditions,The Key to Weight Loss is Knowing Your Body Type Articles the caloric imbalance that results in obesity often develops from a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Since 1980, the total number of obese and overweight Americans has doubled. California ranks 36th in adult obesity with 22.7 percent and 32nd in childhood obesity with 13.2 percent.  Obesity is second only to smoking as the most preventable cause of death.

Body fat is referred to as adipose tissue. It is a loose connective tissue. The main role of body fat is to store energy for use later by the body. It also helps to cushion and insulate the body from shock when we move, walk, jump or subject it to any other kind of movement.

Four Basic Body Types

There are four basic body types: Liver Belly, Thyroid, Adrenal, and Ovary. Most of us are a combination of these body types; however, we all have a predominant type. There are general characteristics or symptoms that go along with each type.

Liver Belly: Imagine you’re at the beach and you see a man small in stature, with thin arms and legs, yet his belly sticks out (pot belly).  This is the characteristic liver belly type. This type of fat distribution is not exclusive to men. Women may have this type of belly fat as well, simply not as extreme. Often the person will experience bloating, flatulence, belching, right shoulder and mid back pain or soreness without any trauma. Generally, there are digestive disturbances.

Thyroid: This body type had fat distribution throughout their entire body (face, neck, shoulders and legs). Characteristics are fatigue even after having a full night of sleep, cravings of carbohydrates and fat for energy, hair loss, thinning of the outer portion of the eyebrows, and brittle fingernails. They are often cold, especially their hands and feet. This is the person who chooses to wear socks to bed at night, even in the summer time.

Adrenal: The belly fat on the abdomen drops or sags down towards the legs. Because our adrenal glands are our stress glands, generally men and women who have this body type have been under an enormous amount of stress for a sustained period of time. Adrenal body types often complain of chronic low back pain, fibromyalgia, and fatigue. When walking up the stairs, their thighs feel heavy and often they crave salt at night.

Ovary: Exclusive to women. In this body type, the woman is usually petite above the navel and from the mid-thigh down. The progression of the OVARY type of adipose fat deposits seems to be basically in the hip and thigh. The development of increased fat increases the potential of ovarian cysts. Women with this body type often experience fatigue during their menstrual cycle, and also some “brain fog.” Their menstrual pain is in the lower back or hip areas, and sometimes in the knees. Often these women will have a history of pre-menstrual syndrome, and they gain weight (water retention) during their cycle. They may have a history that includes lack of libido, infertility, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and menstrual cycle acne and mood swings. During their period they experience heavy flow, constipation, and thinning of the hair.

Good News for Your Body Type

When you recognize the type of body fat you have, you will be able to address weight loss with a plan and a purpose. There are specific, managed diets that address each body type and allow you to release the fat and keep it off.

The most proven method of losing weight is a combination of eating healthy, natural foods and exercise. Sometimes nutritional supplements are recommended. To learn more about your body type and nutritional requirements, contact me for a personal consultation and evaluation.  

In closing, allow me to share one of my patient’s stories:

 Mr. B., age 69, came to my office wanting to lose weight and improve his energy. His body shape was the classic liver belly, a large protruding abdomen. After two weeks on the liver enhancement diet and supplement program, along with eliminating dairy, he began to lose weight. After several months, he had lost 20 pounds. Even more importantly, he stated that he has more energy and vitality and has not felt this good in 40 years!