The Law of Attraction: can you really lose weight by thinking about it?
My job in this article is to address this question and bring more thought to it. Thoughts determine actions. And actions determine your destiny. After all, it is your choice.
Much attention has been brought about by the book "The Secret" written by Robin Bryne. The book talks about the Law of Attraction which can be summarized as a principle that people experience physical and mental manifestations in response to their predominant thoughts,

feelings, and beliefs. My mentor Robert Ferguson will add that the Law of Attraction is your habit of thoughts. When it comes to weight loss, what are your thoughts about it? If you believe that weight loss is a depriving, hard, and long process then that is what you will experience. However, does it have to be? Very simply, no. Can you lose weight and keep it off by thinking about it? Very simply, yes. What are the popular beliefs about weight loss? Do you think that most people see it as a drag? Do many people believe that weight loss is a boring, uninspiring process? How about re-framing your mindset for weight loss success and start imagining what you want to look like; imagine what you want to feel. It's your choice as to what you want to experience. Weight loss doesn't have to be as bad as people imagine it. The key here is to change your mindset about weight loss and re-frame it so that you are enjoying the process and that you are on your way to your best ever. If not, you can always choose the opposite and that is to continue experiencing weigh loss as an uninspiring and boring process. What are you going to choose?To your health. Cap