The only weight loss program that is made especially only form women is the venus factor. It is designed to fit the feminine metabolism and physical needs. While most of weight loss programs are designed for men, there is not even one system that focused only on women.
The only weight loss program that is made especially only form women is the venus factor. It is designed to fit the feminine metabolism and physical needs. While most of weight loss programs are designed for men, there is not even one system that focused only on women.
Men and women bodies are different. They lose weight, burn fat and gain pounds in different ways. The female body has more fat cells then the male. Female’s body is designed to be capable in carrying and feeding a baby during pregnancy. The feminine body is equipped with extra fats in the hips, waist and belly area in order to maintain a healthy pregnancy.
Our modern lifestyle is not helping either. Many females are having day jobs and sitting behind the desk most hours of the day, food has become more excessive and full with sugar and fats. Going to the Gym constantly seem to be impossible if you are having a busy modern lifestyle. Losing those extra pounds you gained is not an easy task at all.
There are so many different types of diets out there. Supplements, acai, blueberry, green tea, low fat, high carb, gluten free and the list is long. What make the venus factor system so unique is that it takes into consideration the hormone Leptin.
Leptin is a hormone that produced inside of our fat cells. The Leptin circulates into the blood stream and goes straight to the brain. The hormone signals the brain weather we need more energy or we have just enough. When the Levels of Leptin are low, it signals that to the brain, and the brain get into starvation mode. That what make us feel hungry.
When you are overweighed, you have high amounts of Leptin in your fat cells. That should signal your brain to stop eating, but something in this process is not working, and the brain will not get the signal. Your brain is starving while your body is full of fat. And this is why people become obese.
This is called Leptin resistance, and this is what make a lot of people to go over weight in the world today. The venus factor program will teach you how to manage the Leptin levels in you and help you to fight your Leptin resistance. That will cause you to lose weight more effectively and for the long run.
In this program you will get a diet program that will e designed for you own special needs and habits. You can always make changes and adjust your diet plan according to your progress. Attached to your diet plan, you will also get access to super easy to follow work out exercises that will help you to see results from the first week. It is a 12 weeks program that divided to 3 parts, 4 weeks each.
Combine these three elements together, Leptin resistant factor, diet plan and work out program designed specifically for women, and you will get the top selling, ultimate weight loss program that you can find today on the web.
You will not be alone. You will have access to the venus factor online community where you can share, learn and chat with real people who are going the same process as you. Feedback from other people is also a crucial part of the process of losing weight.
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