The benefits of being between hungry and full are discussed.
One theory that I have heard discussed about eating and staying fit has to do with our individual mindset surrounding food more than any other factor.
A school of thought exists that our ability to understand what constitutes actual hunger that needs to be satisfied rather than slight hunger that is positive makes the difference in whether or not we remain thin or put on unwanted weight. In other words, “Am I really hungry?” is a question we hope to become more adept at answering with the passage of time and the gaining of experience. The encouraging thing is that we can hone this skill as time passes and we get to know our body better. It’s not simply a matter of our hard wiring or genetics.
Concurrent with that process is coming to a mental place that accepts being slightly hungry without accepting being energy deprived. This is of central importance when looking at Michael Thurmond’s6 Weeks Body Makeover Program. The idea behind the regimen is to keep you satisfied and full of necessary building blocks of energy without overeating. You are always straddling the line between “hungry” and “full” in an place I call “slightly hungry”. This is vital because it is in this place where fat burning weight loss takes place.
The 6 Weeks Body Makeover Program makes it all easy for us because you are repetitively staying in that place for the entire 6 weeks of the system. It is imperative from a mental state of mind that you accept the feelings that being in Michael Thurmond’s regimen provides and understand that these are positive developments. When I audit reviews of hundreds and hundreds of users, I notice often that the people who are not having success are fighting these feelings. They are not accepting the change that their prior bad habits have made necessary. There is always a price to be paid with positive change of course and this new metabolism will likely mean you will require less food over time and hopefully you will be fine with that.
This level of awareness is key for you long-term sustaining the Michael Thurmond 6 Weeks Makeover Program. My best advice for making the transition successfully is allow yourself a week or two to see your body naturally adapt and adjust. You might be amazed by how it can literally reprogram your internal fat burning coding. This is the process of long-term change for the better happening when you eat better content.
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