Discovering Genuine Psychics: A Comprehensive Guide

May 21


Rachel Saxon

Rachel Saxon

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Finding a genuine psychic can be a daunting task, especially with the plethora of options available online. This guide will help you identify real psychics, understand the red flags of fraudulent ones, and make the most out of your psychic reading experience.

Identifying Authentic Psychics

Experience and Client Base

Authentic psychics typically have years of experience and a solid client base with many repeat customers. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center,Discovering Genuine Psychics: A Comprehensive Guide Articles 41% of Americans believe in psychics, which indicates a significant demand for psychic services. Experienced psychics often have numerous positive reviews and testimonials, reflecting their reliability and skill.

Customer Feedback and Service

A genuine psychic will have excellent customer service skills and positive feedback from clients. Websites like Psychic Source and Keen provide platforms where you can read detailed profiles, reviews, and ratings of psychics. These platforms also offer satisfaction guarantees, adding an extra layer of trust.

Evaluating Online Psychics

Profile Verification

When evaluating online psychics, it's crucial to verify their profiles. Look for detailed descriptions of their background, credentials, and psychic abilities. Be cautious of profiles with generic photos or overly positive testimonials, as these can be fabricated.


Remember, during a psychic reading, you may share personal information. Ensure the psychic can be trusted by checking for consistent and genuine feedback. Websites like Better Business Bureau can provide additional insights into the psychic's credibility.

Red Flags of Fraudulent Psychics

Scare Tactics

Some fraudulent psychics use scare tactics to extract more money from clients. They may claim that you are cursed and need to pay a large sum to remove the curse. This is a common scam, and it's essential to avoid falling for it.

Excessive Questioning

A genuine psychic should not ask too many questions during a reading. They should provide insights without needing excessive information from you. If a psychic asks too many questions, it could be a sign they are fishing for information to give the illusion of psychic ability.

Maximizing Your Psychic Reading Experience

Initial Free Minutes

To ensure a good connection with the psychic, ask for the first five minutes of the reading for free. This allows you to gauge their abilities and see if you feel comfortable with them.


Keep an open mind during the reading. If the psychic mentions something you can't relate to, make a note of it and ask for clarification at the end. This approach helps you get the most out of the reading and ensures you leave feeling uplifted and empowered.

Relaxation and Preparation

Being relaxed and prepared for the unexpected can enhance your reading experience. Approach the session with a positive mindset and be ready to receive insights that may surprise you.

Interesting Statistics

  • Psychic Industry Growth: The psychic services industry in the U.S. was valued at approximately $2.2 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow steadily (IBISWorld).
  • Belief in Psychics: Around 22% of Americans have consulted a psychic or medium at least once in their lives (Pew Research Center).
  • Online Psychic Readings: The demand for online psychic readings has surged, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, as people seek guidance and reassurance in uncertain times (Forbes).

By following these guidelines, you can find a genuine psychic and have a fulfilling and insightful reading experience. Remember to do your research, trust your instincts, and approach the process with an open mind.