Harnessing Intuition - being a clairvoyant

Sep 26


carmel brulez

carmel brulez

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Harnessing intuition is a skill used by clairvoyants, psychics, mediums and tarot card readers to help themselves and others.



Definition of clairvoyant psychic

A clairvoyant psychic is an individual who possesses the ability to perceive information about people,Harnessing Intuition - being a clairvoyant Articles objects, events, or locations through extrasensory perception (ESP). This psychic ability, known as clairvoyance, allows them to gain insights beyond the scope of the five physical senses. Clairvoyant psychics are believed to have a heightened sense of perception, enabling them to tap into the spiritual realm and access information that is not readily available to others.

Explanation of intuition and its role in clairvoyance

Intuition plays a crucial role in the practice of clairvoyant psychics. It is an innate and instinctive knowing that goes beyond logical reasoning or conscious thought. Intuition is often described as a gut feeling or a deep inner knowing that guides individuals in making decisions or perceiving information. In the context of clairvoyance, intuition acts as a bridge between the psychic and the spiritual realm, allowing them to interpret and understand the messages they receive.

As clairvoyant psychics tap into their intuition, they are able to access subtle energies, symbols, and impressions that provide them with insights into past, present, or future events. This intuitive guidance helps them navigate the spiritual realm and interpret the information they receive through clairvoyance. By harnessing their intuition, clairvoyant psychics can offer guidance, clarity, and understanding to those seeking their services.

In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of clairvoyant psychics, delving into the definition of clairvoyance and the pivotal role intuition plays in their practice. By understanding the art of being a clairvoyant psychic and harnessing intuition, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the profound insights and guidance these individuals can provide.

The History of Clairvoyant Psychics

Origins of clairvoyant abilities

Clairvoyant abilities, also known as extrasensory perception (ESP), have been a part of human history for centuries. The origins of clairvoyant abilities can be traced back to ancient civilizations and various cultural beliefs. In many ancient cultures, clairvoyance was considered a divine gift or a connection to the spiritual realm.

Ancient texts and scriptures from civilizations such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece mention individuals with clairvoyant abilities. These individuals were often revered as seers or prophets who could perceive information beyond the physical senses. It was believed that they could communicate with spirits, foresee the future, and provide guidance to their communities.

Historical figures known for their clairvoyant skills

Throughout history, there have been several notable figures who were renowned for their clairvoyant skills. These individuals played significant roles in shaping the perception and understanding of clairvoyance.

Nostradamus (1503-1566): Michel de Nostredame, commonly known as Nostradamus, was a French physician and astrologer. He gained fame for his prophecies, which were written in cryptic verses known as quatrains. Nostradamus' predictions about future events, including wars and natural disasters, have intrigued people for centuries.

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945): Edgar Cayce, also known as the "Sleeping Prophet," was an American clairvoyant and healer. He would enter a trance-like state and provide detailed information about various subjects, including health, past lives, and future events. Cayce's accuracy and the vast amount of information he provided made him one of the most well-known clairvoyants of the 20th century.

Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891): Helena Blavatsky was a Russian occultist, philosopher, and author who co-founded the Theosophical Society. She claimed to have clairvoyant abilities and believed in the existence of hidden spiritual knowledge. Blavatsky's writings and teachings influenced the development of modern esoteric and spiritual movements.

Aleister Crowley (1875-1947): Aleister Crowley, an English occultist and writer, is known for his involvement in various mystical and magical practices. He claimed to possess clairvoyant abilities and explored different forms of divination and spiritual communication. Crowley's teachings and writings continue to influence occult and esoteric traditions.

These historical figures represent a small fraction of individuals who have been recognized for their clairvoyant skills. Their contributions have contributed to the understanding and acceptance of clairvoyance as a legitimate psychic ability.

Developing Clairvoyant Abilities

Techniques and practices to enhance intuition

To develop and enhance clairvoyant abilities, individuals can employ various techniques and practices that focus on strengthening their intuition. These methods aim to sharpen the mind's eye and expand the capacity to perceive beyond the physical realm.

One effective technique is keeping a dream journal. By recording dreams upon waking, individuals can begin to identify patterns, symbols, and recurring themes that may hold deeper meanings. This practice helps to cultivate a heightened awareness of the subconscious mind and its connection to clairvoyant abilities.

Another valuable practice is engaging in automatic writing. This involves allowing thoughts and impressions to flow freely onto paper without conscious control. By surrendering to the intuitive guidance, individuals can tap into their clairvoyant abilities and gain insights from their higher selves or spiritual guides.

Meditation and mindfulness exercises

Meditation and mindfulness exercises play a crucial role in developing clairvoyant abilities. These practices help individuals quiet their minds, increase focus, and attune themselves to their inner wisdom and the energies around them.

One technique is visualization meditation. By creating vivid mental images, individuals can strengthen their ability to visualize and perceive subtle energies. This practice enhances clairvoyant abilities by training the mind to see beyond the physical realm and into the realm of intuition.

Mindfulness exercises, such as body scanning, can also aid in developing clairvoyance. By systematically bringing attention to different parts of the body, individuals cultivate a heightened sense of awareness and presence. This heightened state of consciousness allows for a deeper connection to intuitive insights and the ability to perceive subtle energies.

In conclusion, developing clairvoyant abilities involves employing techniques and practices that enhance intuition, such as keeping a dream journal and engaging in automatic writing. Additionally, meditation and mindfulness exercises, including visualization meditation and body scanning, are valuable tools for expanding clairvoyant capabilities. Through consistent practice and dedication, individuals can harness their intuition and unlock their clairvoyant potential.

Understanding the Different Types of Clairvoyance

Precognition: Seeing future events

Precognition is a type of clairvoyance that involves the ability to see future events. Clairvoyant psychics with this ability can receive visions or images of events that have not yet occurred. These visions may come to them spontaneously or through specific techniques such as meditation or divination tools. Precognition allows clairvoyants to gain insights into potential outcomes and make predictions about future events.

Retrocognition: Perceiving past events

Retrocognition is another form of clairvoyance that enables psychics to perceive past events. With this ability, clairvoyants can access information about events, people, or places from the past that they have no prior knowledge of. They may receive vivid mental images, sensations, or emotions related to the past event. Retrocognition can be used to uncover hidden truths, solve mysteries, or gain a deeper understanding of historical events.

Remote viewing: Visualizing distant locations

Remote viewing is a unique type of clairvoyance that involves the ability to visualize and gather information about distant locations. Clairvoyant psychics with this skill can mentally project themselves to a specific place, even if they have never been there physically. They can describe the surroundings, people, and objects in detail as if they were physically present. Remote viewing is often used for investigative purposes, such as locating missing persons or exploring unknown territories.

By understanding the different types of clairvoyance, individuals can gain insight into the various ways in which psychic abilities can manifest. Whether it is seeing future events, perceiving past events, or visualizing distant locations, clairvoyant psychics harness their intuition to provide guidance, clarity, and understanding to those seeking their services.

The Science Behind Clairvoyance

Research and studies on psychic phenomena have been conducted to explore the science behind clairvoyance. These investigations aim to understand the nature of clairvoyant abilities and provide empirical evidence for their existence.

Numerous experiments have been conducted to test the validity of clairvoyance. One such study is the ganzfeld experiment, where participants are placed in a relaxed state and exposed to sensory deprivation. They are then asked to receive information about a target image or object without any prior knowledge. The results of these experiments have shown statistically significant results, suggesting that clairvoyant abilities may exist.

Another area of research is the study of brain activity during clairvoyant experiences. Neuroimaging techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), have been used to observe the brain activity of psychics while they perform clairvoyant tasks. These studies have identified specific brain regions that are activated during clairvoyant experiences, providing insights into the neural mechanisms underlying these abilities.

Theories explaining clairvoyant abilities have been proposed to provide a scientific framework for understanding this phenomenon. One theory suggests that clairvoyance may be related to the concept of non-local consciousness, where information can be accessed beyond the limitations of time and space. This theory aligns with the idea that clairvoyant psychics can tap into a collective consciousness or a universal field of information.

Another theory proposes that clairvoyance may be linked to quantum physics. According to this theory, the observer effect and entanglement principles in quantum mechanics could explain how psychics can access information beyond the physical senses. It suggests that clairvoyant abilities may involve the manipulation of quantum particles or the utilization of quantum entanglement to access information.

In conclusion, research and studies on psychic phenomena have shed light on the science behind clairvoyance. These investigations have provided empirical evidence, identified brain activity patterns, and proposed theories to explain clairvoyant abilities. While further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms behind clairvoyance, these scientific endeavors contribute to the growing understanding of this intriguing phenomenon.

Ethical Considerations for Clairvoyant Psychics

Responsibility and integrity in providing readings

Clairvoyant psychics have a responsibility to approach their work with the utmost integrity. This means being honest and transparent with clients about the nature of their abilities and the limitations of their readings. It is important for psychics to avoid making false claims or promises of guaranteed outcomes. Instead, they should focus on providing accurate and helpful information to the best of their abilities.

Psychics should also be mindful of the potential impact their readings can have on clients' lives. They should strive to deliver their messages in a compassionate and empathetic manner, taking into consideration the emotional well-being of the individuals seeking their guidance. It is crucial for psychics to be aware of the potential vulnerability of their clients and to handle their readings with care and sensitivity.

Guidelines for respecting clients' privacy and boundaries

Respecting clients' privacy and boundaries is of utmost importance for clairvoyant psychics. Psychics should always obtain informed consent from their clients before conducting a reading and ensure that the client understands the purpose and potential outcomes of the session. This includes explaining how the information obtained during the reading will be used and shared, if at all.

Psychics should maintain strict confidentiality regarding the personal information shared by their clients during readings. They should not disclose any details or discussions without the explicit permission of the client, unless required by law or in cases where there is a risk of harm to the client or others.

Furthermore, psychics should be mindful of their clients' boundaries and avoid prying or invasive questions. They should respect the client's right to withhold information or decline to answer certain questions. It is important for psychics to create a safe and comfortable environment where clients feel empowered to set their own boundaries and express their needs.

By adhering to these ethical considerations, clairvoyant psychics can ensure that they provide a responsible and respectful service to their clients, fostering trust and promoting the well-being of those seeking their guidance.

Real-Life Experiences of Clairvoyant Psychics

Personal stories and anecdotes from practicing psychics

Practicing clairvoyant psychics have a wealth of personal stories and anecdotes that highlight their unique abilities and experiences. These stories often provide fascinating insights into the world of clairvoyance and the psychic realm.

One clairvoyant psychic, Sarah, recalls a particularly memorable experience during a reading with a client. As she connected with the client's energy, Sarah suddenly saw vivid images of a tropical beach and heard the sound of crashing waves. Intrigued, she shared this vision with the client, who was astonished. It turned out that the client had been longing for a vacation and had been considering booking a trip to a beach destination. This revelation not only validated Sarah's clairvoyant abilities but also provided the client with the confirmation and encouragement they needed to pursue their desire for a relaxing getaway.

Another psychic, Michael, shares a touching anecdote about a reading he conducted for a grieving mother. The mother had lost her son in a tragic accident and was seeking closure and comfort. As Michael connected with the spirit of the son, he received a clear message about a specific item that held great sentimental value to both the mother and her son. This item had been missing since the son's passing, causing the mother immense distress. With the guidance of the spirit, Michael was able to provide detailed information about the item's location, leading to its eventual discovery. The mother was deeply grateful for this closure and felt a sense of peace knowing that her son was still watching over her.

Examples of accurate predictions or insights

Clairvoyant psychics often have the ability to make accurate predictions or provide insightful information that can profoundly impact the lives of their clients. These examples demonstrate the power and validity of clairvoyant abilities.

One clairvoyant psychic, Lisa, recalls a reading she conducted for a young woman who was struggling with her career path. As Lisa tapped into the woman's energy, she received a strong vision of the woman working in a bustling city, surrounded by tall buildings and a sense of excitement. Lisa shared this vision with the client, who was amazed. Shortly after the reading, the woman received a job offer in a major city, aligning perfectly with the vision Lisa had described. This accurate prediction not only validated Lisa's clairvoyant abilities but also provided the client with the confidence to pursue her career aspirations.

In another instance, a clairvoyant psychic named David had a profound experience during a reading with a couple. As he connected with their energy, he received a vivid image of a wedding ceremony and heard the sound of joyful laughter. David shared this vision with the couple, who were taken aback. They had been contemplating marriage but had not yet made any concrete plans. Inspired by David's insight, the couple decided to take the leap and got engaged shortly after the reading. This accurate prediction not only solidified David's credibility as a clairvoyant psychic but also brought immense happiness and fulfillment to the couple's lives.

These real-life experiences of clairvoyant psychics serve as compelling evidence of the power and authenticity of their abilities. Through personal stories and accurate predictions, these psychics continue to provide guidance, comfort, and validation to those seeking their insights.


The art of being a clairvoyant psychic is a fascinating and complex practice that relies heavily on intuition. Throughout history, clairvoyant abilities have been recognized and revered, with many notable figures showcasing their extraordinary skills. By developing and honing their intuition through techniques such as meditation and mindfulness exercises, individuals can enhance their clairvoyant abilities.

Understanding the different types of clairvoyance, including precognition, retrocognition, and remote viewing, allows psychics to tap into various aspects of the past, present, and future. While the science behind clairvoyance is still a subject of ongoing research and debate, numerous studies have explored psychic phenomena and proposed theories to explain these abilities.

Ethical considerations play a crucial role in the practice of clairvoyant psychics, mediums and tarot card readers. It is essential for practitioners to approach their readings with responsibility, integrity, and respect for their clients' privacy and boundaries. Real-life experiences of clairvoyant psychics, often accompanied by accurate predictions and profound insights, further highlight the potential power and impact of this extraordinary gift.

In conclusion, intuition is the cornerstone of clairvoyant psychic abilities. By embracing and exploring their own psychic potential, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Whether it is to gain a deeper understanding of oneself or to help others navigate their lives, harnessing intuition can unlock a world of possibilities for those interested in the art of being a clairvoyant psychic.

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