Magic in Your Spice Rack

May 20


Sam Stevens

Sam Stevens

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Discover the hidden magic in your kitchen! Spices have been revered for centuries not just for their culinary uses but also for their mystical properties. From enhancing prosperity to providing protection, these common spices can add a touch of magic to your everyday life. Dive into the magical uses of these spices, which are likely already sitting in your spice rack or kitchen cupboard.

The Mystical Powers of Everyday Spices

Cinnamon: The Spice of Prosperity and Protection

Cinnamon is one of the most versatile spices in practical magic. It is often used for purification,Magic in Your Spice Rack Articles blessings, prosperity, protection, and improved communication. Here are some ways to harness its power:

  • Business Boost: Sprinkle a little cinnamon on your toast or in your morning coffee to attract business success.
  • Protection from Gossip: Place a tiny dot of cinnamon on your breastbone to ward off gossip and envy.
  • Communication Aid: Sprinkle cinnamon under your phone to encourage a difficult person to call you back.
  • Eloquence in Speech: Suck on a cinnamon-flavored candy before a presentation to enhance your eloquence, as cinnamon is ruled by Mercury.
  • Floor Wash: Add a dash of cinnamon to your floor-washing water to increase business opportunities.

Ginger: Speed and Passion

Ginger is known for its ability to speed things up and add a spark to your life. Here are some magical uses:

  • Fast Luck Floor Wash: Combine ginger and cinnamon in your floor-washing water to create a "Fast Luck in a Hurry" wash.
  • Quick Calls: Sprinkle a little ginger under your phone to hasten important calls, but use sparingly to avoid heated exchanges.
  • Spice Up Your Love Life: Place a mixture of ginger, cinnamon, crushed dried rose petals, and coffee under your mattress to enhance your sex life.

Salt: Purification and Protection

Salt has been used for centuries to purify spaces and ward off negative energies. Here are some ways to use it:

  • Home Protection: Sprinkle salt in all four corners of your house to protect against negative energies.
  • Aura Cleansing: Take a salt bath to purify your aura.

Basil: Cleansing and Prosperity

Basil, ruled by Mars, is known for its protective and cleansing properties. Here are some uses:

  • Negative Energy Removal: Steep basil in warm water and drink it as a tea or mix it with tobacco and burn it to drive away negative influences.
  • Money Attraction: Sprinkle basil near your front door to attract money.

Bay Leaf: Wishes and Fame

Bay leaves are not just for seasoning; they can also be used for granting wishes and attracting fame:

  • Wish Granting: Write your wish on a piece of paper, place three bay leaves inside, fold it into thirds, and burn it once the wish is granted.
  • Fame and Glory: Add nine bay leaves to your bath to attract fame and glory.

Marjoram: Clearing Negative Thoughts

Marjoram can help clear negative thought forms from your home:

  • Negative Energy Absorption: Sprinkle marjoram on the floor, let it sit to absorb negative energy, and then sweep it out the front door.

Mint: Charm and Success

Mint is great for adding sparkle to your personality and ensuring success:

  • Charm and Woo: Nibble on mint or drink mint tea before a presentation to enhance your charm.
  • Modern Alternative: Suck on a spearmint-flavored Tic Tac for a similar effect.

Parsley: Attracting Money

Parsley can help you attract money:

  • Money Drawing Tea: Make a tea from dried parsley and sprinkle or spray it in a clockwise direction in your house to raise your money-drawing vibration.

Rosemary: Protection and Purification

Rosemary is a protective herb with purifying properties:

  • Home Protection: Sprinkle rosemary needles around your house's perimeter for protection.
  • Object Purification: Use a rosemary wash to cleanse antiques or second-hand items from previous owners' energies.

Sage: Wisdom and Clarity

Sage is known for its wisdom-enhancing properties:

  • Mental Clarity: Add sage tea to your bath or sprinkle it around your house to destroy illusions and raise mental clarity.
  • Memory Improvement: Drink sage tea to improve memory while studying.


Your spice rack holds more than just culinary treasures; it contains the keys to ancient magical practices. By incorporating these common spices into your daily routine, you can enhance various aspects of your life, from business success to personal protection. So, the next time you reach for a spice, remember the magic it holds.

For more information on the historical and cultural significance of these spices, check out National Geographic's article on the history of spices.

Interesting Stats

  • Cinnamon: A study found that cinnamon can improve cognitive function and memory (Source: PubMed).
  • Ginger: Ginger has been shown to reduce muscle pain by 25% (Source: NCBI).
  • Salt: The global salt market was valued at $28.5 billion in 2020 (Source: Statista).

By understanding and utilizing the magical properties of these spices, you can add a touch of enchantment to your everyday life.