Feeling the post-holiday blues? You're not alone. The festive season often leaves us drained and directionless. But what if you could turn things around by simply changing your mindset? This article, written by a woman-centered psychotherapist, offers practical tools to help women retrain their minds to attract what they truly desire.
The holidays are a time of joy, but they can also leave us feeling burned out. Too much socializing, family time, food, drink, and spending can lead to a sense of letdown once the festivities are over. This often results in feelings of being blue, out-of-sorts, and lacking direction. So, how do we regain our sense of control and focus? Many of us turn to New Year's resolutions: losing weight, being kinder to our partners, sticking to a budget, and so on.
This year, consider adding a new resolution to your list: "I will be more positive in my thinking to attract what I really want." This concept, known as the "law of attraction," suggests that what we focus on in our minds is what we manifest in our lives. This idea is not new but has gained popularity through various self-help books and films, such as "The Secret."
The law of attraction posits that our thoughts have the power to shape our reality. If we believe that all men are jerks, that's the kind of men we'll attract. Conversely, if we believe that there are kind, loving, and emotionally available men out there, those are the types of men we'll meet. Marianne Williamson, an expert on the Course in Miracles, explains that we send out psychic 'radar' to potential partners, signaling what and who we're looking for. When we get serious, the Universe takes us seriously.
Positive thinking is not just a trendy concept; it's a powerful tool for personal transformation. When we focus on what we want rather than what we don't want, we align ourselves with the flow of life. This state of being, often described as "being in the flow," is when everything seems to fall into place effortlessly. It's a feeling of being connected to everything and everyone around you, and it's a lot better for your health than a chocolate bar!
Changing your thinking is easier said than done, but it's crucial for attracting what you want in life. Many of us suffer from "stinking thinking," a term used in 12-step groups to describe negative self-talk. We constantly tell ourselves that we're not good enough, that our dreams are unrealistic, or that we're too old to pursue our passions. These negative thoughts keep us stuck and prevent us from achieving our true potential.
In "The Secret," it's stated that we create our own reality through our thoughts. This idea has been echoed by philosophers, scientists, and mystics for thousands of years. Yet, many of us ignore this basic truth and keep ourselves stuck by 'playing small' in life. We don't ask for too much because we fear success, happiness, health, and love.
One effective strategy for bringing about positive change is to "fake it till you make it." Act as if you already have what you want, even if the evidence suggests otherwise. Your brain doesn't know the difference; it believes what you tell it to be true.
To start your New Year on a positive note, try this exercise:
Do this for three months and observe the changes in your life. You'll be amazed at the results.
Positive thinking is a powerful tool for attracting what you want in life. By changing your thoughts, you can change your reality. So, this New Year, resolve to be more positive in your thinking and watch as your life transforms.
Esther Kane, MSW, Registered Clinical Counsellor, is the author of “Dump That Chump: A Ten-Step Plan for Ending Bad Relationships and Attracting the Fabulous Partner You Deserve” and “What Your Mama Can’t or Won’t Teach You: Grown Women’s Stories of Their Teen Years.” Sign up for her free monthly e-zine, Women’s Community Counsellor, to uplift and inspire women at www.estherkane.com.
Happy thinking!
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