3 Different Ways to View Blog Success
Blog success can mean different things to different people and it all starts with what your motivation is for blogging in the first place! Read further to discover the 3 most common goals and/or accomplishments many use to determine whether or not they have a successful blog!
Blog success can mean different things to different people and it all starts with what your motivation is for blogging in the first place! Despite what may motivate you however one thing is for sure,

every successful blog needs plenty of return visitors for it to qualify as a success! Other than having readers continue to return, the way many bloggers judge the results of their efforts may tend to differ! The point is bloggers are motivated by different goals in their efforts to develop a platform they deem to be a success!
Here are 3 common goals and/or accomplishments many use to determine whether or not they have a successful blog!
Some marketers use blogging platforms as a search engine 'magnet' by placing them on the same domain as their business website! Being blogs are notorious for being able to rank highly in search results due to the frequency with which their content is updated they tend to attract traffic! In cases like this a successful blog is therefore considered to be one that attracts many unique visitors which can be directed to the business site! In addition since both the blog and the website are located on the same domain, the website is typically able to enjoy a higher ranking as well!
Ah yes this is probably the most commonly recognized motive for many bloggers! These platforms are actually very well suited to be used as online marketing locations due to the content and interaction they offer! People landing on the site are usually interested in the type of information being published so this helps 'qualify' them as being more focused and receptive to any relevant product offers! The idea is to interest people enough that they become return visitors with whom you can forge a relationship! Ultimately your motivation is to sell these people and this becomes easier once trust and familiarity have been established! Of course success in this case is measured by the income you are able to generate!
Creating 'Something'
Possibly the most noble objective any blogger can have is to create something that others can actually enjoy! In this case the 'something' I'm referring to is a community like atmosphere designed specifically for like-minded people! Of course their likes need to be aligned with what you blog about but creating a haven for others can be very gratifying! Developing a successful blog in this case requires not only plenty of return visitors but that there is a good amount of commenting and interaction as well! This is the primary objective behind most of the social networking sites found online!
Determining the level of your blog success must begin with your motivation as to why you even created the site! Not everybody blogs for the same reasons but one thing is for sure, for yours to be judged a successful blog you'll need to have plenty of return visitors to earn that distinction! The 3 goals discussed above are common reasons many bloggers have to devote the time and effort needed to develop a successful blog! If you're currently the administrator of your own site, I for one would love to know what is your motivation for blogging?