Crafting Content for a Global Audience

Jan 2


Craig Lock

Craig Lock

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The advent of the internet has provided a unique opportunity to communicate directly with millions of potential customers worldwide. Some experts suggest that to effectively engage with this audience, one should "speak their language". While there is some merit to this advice, it is not a rule I strictly adhere to when writing for an international audience.

Writing in Your Natural Style

When creating content for the global market,Crafting Content for a Global Audience Articles I do not specifically target individual countries or modify my writing style to suit different cultures. I've discovered that people across the globe are generally accepting of minor differences in language use, such as the use of "s's" instead of "z's", or variations in spelling like "color" versus "colour". What matters most is that the grammar is reasonably correct.

I prefer to write in my natural style, one that I am comfortable with, having been raised in South Africa with British English. I encourage other writers to do the same.

For instance, I include this brief note at the end of all my articles:

"PS: Dear Americans, please excuse my British English spelling. Very Colonial! I simply write in my own style and spelling, one that I'm accustomed to. I am quite content for these articles to be used and distributed by other electronic and print publications. If they can assist others in any way, then I am satisfied."

Finding Your Natural Style

My advice is to find your "natural style" by writing as you speak. Practicing writing in your natural style can boost your confidence. Once you've honed your style, submit your articles to ezines and announcement lists, such as Article Announce, Free Content, and Publish In Yours. I've found this marketing method to be the most effective way of driving traffic to our various sites. The best part is that it costs nothing but a little time and effort!

Importance of Good Layout

Ensure your layout is appealing, as this significantly increases your chances of getting published. This is not one of my strong points, but it's an aspect of writing that should not be overlooked.

I hope this advice assists you, the readers "out there in cyberspace". Happy writing and just go for it!

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