This article is a personal account of the author's journey from reluctance to embrace change to the realization of the benefits of stepping out of his comfort zone. It highlights the transformative power of writing and the unexpected rewards that come with it.
John Colanzi, the author, shares his initial hesitation to start writing and submitting articles for publication. Despite understanding the benefits of writing, he was hesitant to share his thoughts, fearing they might be perceived as insignificant. He continued with his routine tasks, comfortably ensconced in his familiar rut, akin to a slow journey with no particular destination.
A sudden illness that landed him in the hospital and a subsequent year-long break from work served as a wake-up call. He likens himself to a stubborn mule that needs a strong jolt to pay attention. This jolt forced him to reconsider his reluctance and confront his mental barriers.
John began by writing articles for his newsletter, still unsure about submitting them for publication. However, the positive feedback from his readers was an unexpected and encouraging surprise. This validation spurred him to increase his writing efforts and consider sharing his work more widely.
As his readers began to appreciate and share his articles, John decided to submit his work to other publishers. He found the effort to be well worth it. The benefits of writing, some of which he hadn't anticipated, made him regret not starting sooner. Each positive email from a reader who enjoyed his work brought him as much joy as the initial feedback from his newsletter readers.
John's experience led him to appreciate the positive changes that stepping out of his comfort zone brought about. He found truth in Napoleon Hill's words, "Every adversity brings with it the seeds of an equal or greater benefit." He encourages others not to wait for a jolt to start harnessing the power of writing.
In conclusion, John's journey serves as an inspiration for those hesitant to step out of their comfort zones. His experience underscores the transformative power of writing and the unexpected rewards it can bring. As he puts it, "If this dummy can do it, I know you can!!"
Read more about Napoleon Hill's philosophy
Learn more about the benefits of writing
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