Everyone likes to laugh. At least ... ... insane people laugh too, they just don't know they're ... the Pope laughs, just not in public. Laughter unites people. It can diffu
Everyone likes to laugh. At least everyonesane. Actually, insane people laugh too, they just don't know they're laughing.Even the Pope laughs, just not in public. Laughter unites people. It can diffuse tense situations. And most importantly, at least from a writer's standpoint, it can keep people reading your articles.You don't have to be a comedian, or Dave Barry to incorporate laughs into your writing.You don't really have to be that funny of aperson, either. And you're not looking to putthe readers in stitches. Just a slight chuckle can make a world of difference.I often try to incorporate cheap puns intomy articles. For example, I might includethe pun: 'To write with a broken pencil is pointless' in an article about dailyfreewriting. It's a groaner, but it mightjust keep the reader reading, at least foranother paragraph. If you like cheesy punsand want more feel free to visit:http://wardwidewebzine.goduck.net/puns.htmlIncluding a humorous anecdote is another greatway to get your readers to smile. A simplesearch on Yahoo or Google will yielda number of websites that have anecdotearchives. Or you can include a personal anecdote.Seven words that are sure to keep a reader'sattention are: 'That reminds me of a funnystory..'I like to keep my readers on their toes byincorporating a technique I like to callRandom Insertion. (I'll pause here whileyou less mature readers stop snickering.)Random Insertion is actually self-explanatory,I randomly insert information that obviously does not belong. For example,If I was listing possible places to promoteezine articles I might mention:(A) Free Ezine Articles Announcement List (http://ezinearticles.20fr.com)(B) Go Articles.com and(C) www.drew-barrymore-is-a-goddess.netThe third listing is obviously bogus (thouh true)and putting in an otherwise serious article can peak the readers interest and keep themreading.I will not keep droning on any longer. Hopefully,by now everyone has gotten the point. Humor makespeople laugh, and laughing makes people happy. Andhappy readers keep reading and will remember yourname the next time they see it at the top of an article. Maybe you'll even be able to usesome of my suggestions to sprinkle laughs allthrough your next article. If not I'm fully prepared to tell the Pope...
The Bare Truth About My Butt Quiz
Forget about the SAT, never mind the FCAT, and remove forever from you mind any thoughts about the ACT. All these test pale in comparision to the examination that I just failed. Failing those test may have minor repurcussions like never making it into college and therefore being forced to work at fast food resturants well into you 40's. That's nothing. I just flunked a quiz that could scar me for life.The Finer Points of Poverty
I'm poor. And I'm not ashamed of it. Actually, I'm kind of proud of myself for being poor. It's an accomplishment that many people will never attain. Some people will go through their whole life and never know what it's like to experience some of the finer points of poverty like eating ramon noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner 5 days a week. My heart goes out to these types of people. The Fourtunate Ones. People who've always had electricity, nice cars, and proper clothing.5 Surefire Ways To Ruin Any Website
Owning a website gives you certain rights. For example, you have the right to plaster your URL all over the doors and windows of your SUV in hopes that someone in one of the 7 cars you pass on the way to work will get the urge to visit your website and spend gobs of money. You own the website-this is your right. You also have the right to post pictures of your family, friends, pets, and other totally uninteresting images all over your website; after all it's yours. One of the biggest rights you have as a webmaster is the right to make your website successful (and profitable) or to run it into the ground like a 737 missing both engines and landing gear. For those of you who despise online success and frown upon the wealths of cyberspace I have compiled a list of 5 ways to ruin any website.