How to Write an Article That Makes for Good Reading
When you write articles online you need to be concerned with not only the content but also with its layout and location. When your articles are used for promotional purposes your desire to have them read is based more upon income than vanity. Read more to see how to write an article that will get you the best results when you are using it for marketing on the internet.
When I first starting marketing on the internet I thought I knew how to write an article that could help expand my exposure and generate traffic. As time went on I realized that when you write articles to submit online there are certain details that demand greater attention or the article just will not get read.
When reading articles online there are an infinite amount of sources available for the information you are seeking just seconds away. Taking this into consideration there are certain 'measures' that need to be taken when you write articles. Content,
visual appeal and location on the internet are all factors that go into determining if in fact your article will get noticed and then read.
Here are 5 areas of the writing and submission process every article marketer must focus on to become more effective at their craft.
Catchy Titles
Creating a title that is descriptive and eye catching is an important step in getting any article read. It may not always be possible to fashion a catchy title but at the very least be sure that it is accurate in describing what is found within the content.
Useful Information
People enjoy reading interesting articles which may mean the content is informative, intriguing or perhaps simply humorous. In any event the body of your article must make readers feel it was worth their time to view it. When you write articles always try to word your content in the same way you may speak. By doing so it is easier for you to share your opinions or passion which usually always makes for more interesting articles and satisfied readers.
Easy on the Eyes Format
Always try to keep both your sentences and paragraphs of your articles as brief as your subject may allow. By having large blocks of text it puts a lot more strain on the eyes of the readers and can also make the article look longer in length. People are looking for easy and short reads when viewing articles so give that to them.
Check Spelling
Do not spend all your time and effort creating the content of your article and then forget to check your spelling or grammar. It is much like turning on the heat in your home and than forgetting to shut the windows. Having frequently misspelled or incorrectly used words in your articles does nothing other than to create a less than stellar image of yourself while also irritating the readers.
It is way too easy to proof read your work so do not overlook this final step before you submit your article.
Use Correct Category
Assuming you crafted a resource box with an enticing message and a clear call to action the only thing left is to place your article in the most suitable category. Not every directory will have the exact category you may feel your article belongs in so place it in the MOST appropriate. Careless here on your part will result in your article being 'buried alive' online. Nobody will ever find it!
Learning how to write an article you can use for marketing on the internet goes beyond just being good at spelling and grammar. An article serves you no purpose if it is not read. When reading articles online there are countless sources for the information you may be seeking and this makes the typical reader choosier and less patient. It is therefore important to pay closer attention to the layout, title and where the article is positioned. By focusing more on the 5 areas we spoke of here today your article has a better chance of being both located and read.