Writing articles for submissions is one of the most effective online marketing strategies in use today! Marketing with articles offers multiple benefits to the author that other strategies can not claim compelling people to produce as much as they can. Read more to see why publishing fewer articles may actually offer you greater gains
Writing articles for submissions is one of the most effective online marketing strategies in use today! Marketing with articles offers multiple benefits to the author that other strategies can not claim which compels people to produce as much as they can. The reasoning is the more published articles you have the more exposure and traffic you will receive. Although this reasoning is sound,

when rushing to produce more, quality tends to be compromised and your work schedule becomes more hectic. Now you have countless published articles in circulation that lack the quality needed to stir the interest of readers. At this point you are now overworked and experiencing diminishing results from your efforts. The fact is that this hurried approach undermines several benefits marketing with articles can offer you! The reality is that you would stand to gain more by writing less!
Here are 7 ways you as the author would experience greater gains by actually slowing your writing efforts down!
Learn Something New
Without being in a 'frantic' rush to develop more content, you as the author can spend more time doing research and even applying some of what you learned. The idea behind article marketing is to share useful information with others so it only makes sense that you benefit from what you have learned as well!
Give People Something Worthwhile
As mentioned above you can give yourself additional time to research your subject so that your published articles will contain a higher quality of information. Now you are presenting to people material more worth their while to read and this is something they will remember and appreciate!
Each Effort Has an Impact
Your research and the writing process takes time and effort so make each effort count for something. It is easy to overlook the lack of impact an article may have due to your haste in researching and composing! When your published articles are of good quality this reflects well on you helping to build credibility which is a huge asset when working online! Creating just one article of superior quality will benefit you much more than ten that contain mediocre material! Besides, if nobody is reading what you wrote, your efforts are useless in terms of traffic generation as well!
Share Knowledge Clearly
By not rushing to publish 'quantity' you are better able to compose yourself and your thoughts so that readers understand what it is you are sharing with them! When marketing with articles you always want to be sure you are communicating your thoughts and making your points in an understandable fashion!
Allows More Time to Devote Elsewhere
Avoiding the temptation to 'rush' the writing process to publish as much as time will allow now lets you focus on other areas of your business! This time can be used to research and develop new product ideas, other online marketing strategies, customer relations or even to simply relax and recharge!
Helps Avoid Burn-Out
Tapping away at the keyboard on a continual basis especially if you are not getting the results you are looking for can easily lead to burn out. As already mentioned rushing to 'kick out' the next article can lead to poor quality work. When you have a significant number of published articles returning very little in terms of results it makes your efforts that much tougher as your frustrations mount!
Time to Re-Purpose Your Content
A huge benefit of this strategy is that you can take what you have already published and put it to use elsewhere in your business. Of course you will need the time and creative energy to do so which may be difficult if you are always busy trying to compose something new.
Writing articles is one of the most effective and multidimensional online marketing strategies in use today. The tendency for many to focus on having as many published articles as they can however results in diminishing the quality of their content. The discussion above serves to show how writing fewer articles can actually boost the benefits experienced by not only the readers but the author as well! Marketing with articles not only educates but also affords the opportunity to take a one time effort and use it in multiple and strategic ways. By taking a slower and more deliberate approach anybody using this strategy can get much better results out of their published articles even if they may be fewer in numbers!