Leveraging Blog Comments To Build Your Site

Mar 19


TJ Philpott

TJ Philpott

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There is no denying the satisfaction one must feel when seeing blog comments left at their site! In part this is a 'validation' of the efforts you invest in the content development of any new updates you post! Read more to discover 3 ways comments left by visitors can also actively be used as a tool for building blogs as well!

There is no denying the satisfaction one must feel when seeing blog comments left at their site! In part this is a 'validation' of the efforts you invest in the content development of any new updates you post! At least you know somebody is reading them and that you have 'sparked' their interest as evidenced by their blog commenting. What we're going to discuss here today is 3 ways comments left by visitors can also actively be used as a tool for building blogs as well!

Invites Participation

Blog commenting has a tendency to draw even the most timid further into the discussions being held and sometimes even serves to rankle the feathers of others! In either case and in many instances all it takes is just one response to get the ball rolling to get others more actively involved! The more replies visitors leave the more subject matter others have to view thereby further motivating them to leave their opinions as well!

Source of New Ideas

Quite often the very best ideas a blogger can find for their content development purposes is in the comments left by readers! Remember it is these same people you are trying to satisfy therefore it only stands to reason to listen more closely to what they are saying! Building blogs successfully is all about keeping subscribers happy while also attracting new ones as well and the key is found in the quality of what you post! Let your readers 'help' you develop the material that they themselves ultimately want to see and by doing so you'll likely stand to get more referrals!

Source of Inspiration

When people actively 'participate' on your site through their blog commenting it gives you 'purpose' or motivation to continue your efforts! Blogging can be and is a very lonely road at times since in most cases only one person is solely responsible for the content development on the platform! Much time and effort goes into this process and without feedback from your readers the road only gets lonelier! On the other hand positive replies,Leveraging Blog Comments To Build Your Site Articles even just one, can really boost the spirits of the site administrator as well as their motivation! This is a terrific source of inspiration which in turn can result in even better quality updates!

Seeing blog comments left at your site is no doubt gratifying and an indication your content development efforts have NOT gone unnoticed! On the other hand by leveraging the blog commenting of others can also prove to be a highly effective for building blogs as well! The discussion above points out 3 such ways a blogger can use comments left at their site as both a form of motivation and a source of creativity! Of course the mere presence of blog commenting on your platform also serves as social proof which is valuable for attracting more visitors as well! In the end it would seem any type of reply that is left is infinitely better than going totally unnoticed at all!