Marketing With Articles and How To Get Great Results
Marketing with articles not only is a great way to increase your exposure online but to also help you become an authority in your field! Read further to discover 5 simple details you don't want to overlook when composing articles for the purpose of increasing your exposure online!
Marketing with articles not only is a great way to increase your exposure online but to also help you become an authority in your field! By repeatedly offering readers useful information pertaining to a particular topic you're able to gain their trust and build your own credibility! Being this strategy does takes time and effort however you want to take certain measures to maximize your results!
Here are 5 simple details you don't want to overlook when creating and distributing useful information for the purpose of increasing your exposure online!
Whatever it may be that you are writing about always be sure when presenting 'facts and figures' that what people view is accurate! Useful information is something readers can count on as being not only informative but based on fact as well! Always research your topic to insure accuracy since failure to do so will result in a loss of credibility for you!
The title or headline along with the opening paragraph are critical in terms of capturing the attention of readers and encouraging them to read further! To become an authority by distributing content of any type you must first get people to read what you wrote otherwise your efforts are in vain! Whether you use shock,

insult or even humor you must create an interest or curiosity to compel people to view the entire body of your content!
Regarding the importance of getting people to read what you've published you can't expect to get a lot of viewers if your content is not made available for their viewing! It's all about making people aware of the existence of your content! Enlisting the 'help' of search engines is one of the best ways to achieve this objective therefore simple keyword optimization is a must! The proper selection and placement of relevant keywords and phrases is what you need to achieve this goal and is something you should never overlook! When done correctly it can and will significantly increase your exposure online and all you had to do was optimize your content just that one time! It's too damn easy to do NOT to do!
If you are targeting a specific audience, and in most cases you will be, you need to keep your topics relevant to their interests! Since your interests and those of readers are typically the same, determining relevance should be relatively easy to do! The only danger you may have of veering off track is when you're struggling for ideas to write about and therefore become more motivated to simply publish anything! Although by doing this you may not hurt your credibility and may even still supply useful information, it won't necessarily help your overall cause!
Distribution Channels
You'll want to give your writing efforts as many opportunities as possible to be seen and the best way is by using multiple distribution channels! Publishing your article on a blog and leaving links at social media sites along with using article submission channels is recommended! Now you're not limited to just these suggestions since you can also place the same content in slide-shows and even post a descriptive video as well! In this way you're finding multiple uses for the same article and by virtue of the fact your using different channels your exposure online is also being increased!
Even with all the search engine algorithm changes marketing with articles still proves to be a great way to build and increase exposure online! As the discussion above emphasizes any useful information you create must address certain criteria as reviewed here today so it's found and viewed by your intended audience! Of course the more you supply these people with useful information the easier it is for you to become an authority in your field! With this authority comes trust and loyalty which of course if nurtured correctly will make any promotional efforts all the more effective and that is your objective!