Putting Your Original Content to Maximum Use
Original content was the focus of post I wrote recently for another blog about its continued importance for marketing your business online! Read further to discover 7 ways you can get MORE out of just one piece of content and all without much labor involved!
Original content was the focus of a post I wrote recently for another blog about its continued importance for marketing your business online! Since this particular strategy can and does involve much labor what we're going to discuss here today is the multiple uses you can get out of a single piece of content! Whether you're an affiliate marketer,

blogger or engaged in any type of commerce online, finding multiple uses for your content gives you an HUGE edge!
Here's 7 suggestions for getting multiple uses out of the same piece of content you labored over to boost your efficiency and income!
Social Networks
Compose snippets out of what you've published to help reinforce your brand and expand the delivery channels of your message online! The latest algorithm changes by Google have made it clear that social media use and resultant links now carry more value in the eyes of search engines!
Another easy to use application for 'slightly used' content is to put it into a slideshow for online viewing! It's no secret more internet users are gravitating towards visual aids when looking for and receiving information of interest to them! There is NOT much labor involved with this particular format but there is a lot of traffic you may be missing if you choose to overlook it!
Another popular application for marketing your business is the use of info-graphics that once again addresses the growing popularity of visual aids online! Here too it's simply a matter of 'plugging in' any written material you've already created to deliver your message in a whole new way to a whole new audience!
Email Series
Building a list is a popular and recommended way to grow businesses online and using an email auto-responder service is part of this strategy! Auto-responders do not require much labor to set up and/or use being all you really need to supply is reading material of relevance and interest for your subscribers! Simply take small portions of previously created material and you can easily create a series of messages you can send out via email to people on your list!
Combine and Sell
Ebooks are still in high demand provided they offer something of value! Using this approach is much like creating an email series and therefore does not involve much labor to do so! Now the option is yours alone as to whether you choose to sell these ebooks or circulate them freely to generate more traffic to your site!
Article, Post or Both
2 very common and effective ways of publishing anything you've composed online is to either post it to a blog or submit it as an article! Although articles are a bit more structured than a blogging update they are terrific 'sources' for ideas to post on a blog! Blog posts on the other hand typically lack depth and detail thus allowing for more ideas you can further explore and base an article on as well!
The growing use of video on the internet makes this particular strategy very hard to ignore! Taking anything you've already written and published elsewhere and simply delivering it in a video format does not take much labor! On the other hand the results you can expect will astound you even though it seems little effort was involved making your video presentation! Quite simply by using video you are targeting a whole new and growing audience that prefers visual aids as a way of receiving/processing information!
Original content is something the internet thrives on which has been proven once again after the latest rounds of algorithm changes! Having said that exploring multiple uses for any information you've created makes perfect sense being there's much labor invested in the creation process itself! When marketing your business online it's always wise to investigate every possible way you can utilize the same piece of content! The 7 suggestions above are simply starting points for you to consider to get more mileage out of your own writing efforts! This is not to imply however that your options are limited to just the suggestions offered here today! Simply tap into your own imagination to uncover additional possibilities for marketing your business to help boost your efficiency and productivity!