The Best Source of Content is Your Insight

Oct 1


TJ Philpott

TJ Philpott

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Quite possible the best source of content when circulating useful information as part of your online marketing strategy is your own insight. Late breaking news and information is always good to publish however 'dissecting' current news & issues lends an interesting twist as well. Read on to see the 3 distinct advantages of basing your content creation upon insight and how it may better serve both you and the reader.

Quite possible the best source of content when circulating useful information as part of your online marketing strategy is your own insight. Late breaking news and information is always good to base your content creation upon,The Best Source of Content is Your Insight Articles but dissecting current news & issues is also very intriguing to read as well. In fact this allows people to more completely digest the information they have been previously presented thereby making it more useful to them.

Here are 3 distinct advantages of basing your content creation upon your own insight and how it may better serve both you and the reader.


If it is your opinions or insight you know it will be unique thereby increasing the level of the readers enjoyment or intrigue. This is simply based upon the fact that you know they have not seen what you are creating anywhere else. As the author you need not be concerned with accusations of duplicate content or plagiarism since the content creation process is focused solely on your own perspectives or opinions.


The perspective of any individual is usually informative because they are sharing what they have learned or perceived. What is shared does not have to be necessarily 100% accurate as long as readers do gain something out of the information being presented to them. As previously mentioned this helps readers to further 'digest' something they may not have spent much time pondering earlier. As a result, if they gain any new perspective on what they read, it can than be considered useful information for them!

Thought Provoking

Thoughts, opinions or shared perspectives normally provoke the thoughts of the reader since most people think and view things differently. Right or wrong, in agreement or not, thoughts are now provoked and the reader is therefore stimulated. Mission accomplished! This is the absolute best way to engage people by getting them to mentally 'interact' with the information presented to them.

Using your insight as a source of content not only saves you the research time but it also guarantees that any useful information you do produce will be original. Now if this is not the case, than you have been cloned, but if I am correct here, your insight is a great asset to this particular online marketing strategy! The 3 advantages we have reviewed above demonstrate benefits for both you as the creator, and also your readers as well! So next time before you begin conducting any online research for 'new' material, consider adding your own perspective to already existing news and or other content. In this way you will be presenting to readers some useful information they have likely never seen before.