Brevity is the Name of the Writing Game
Do you find yourself writing long-winded sentences? In other words are you using unnecessary words in your writing? Maybe you’re trying hard to make your words dazzle on the page that your writing turns out complex and hard to read.
If your reader has to figure out what you’re saying, or what the story is about, or have to reach for the dictionary at the turn of every page, you’ll lose their interest.
As a rule, keep your writing simple and use brevity to deliver your ideas.
Here are some guidelines to follow:
Follow these simple guidelines and you will improve your writing and develop your own voice and writing style.
© 2010 Cherry-Ann Carew
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Cherry-Ann Carew, The Power Writing Coach, Editor, Author and Founder of Writetastic Solutions, is a contributing author to How the Fierce Handle Fear – ‘Secrets to Succeeding in Challenging Times.’ Learn how her coaching and editing services can help you with your book. Subscribe for your FREE SPECIAL REPORT: ‘Discover The 3 Simple Steps That Will Help You Start And Finish Your Book.