Using The Comments On Your Blog Constructively
Quite often it becomes very easy to ignore or even dismiss any comments on your blog due to your other blogging responsibilities! On the other hand however as a good blogger it is important to recognize you are writing for your readers, therefore pay attention! Read on to see 3 ways you can use visitor feedback to further develop or improve your blogging platform!
Quite often it becomes very easy to ignore or even dismiss any comments on your blog due to your other blogging responsibilities! You'll get no argument from me that in order to be a good blogger there are many tasks you'll need to successfully complete on a daily basis and with little help! On the other hand however it is important to recognize you are writing for your readers! Understanding that it should become more a priority to view the comments left by visitors as a barometer of your performance!
So after sifting through comments left by spammers or software here are 3 ways you can use visitor feedback to further develop your platform!
Social Proof
Don't be quick to delete any comments left at your site since they can serve as social proof for future visitors! Of course it tends to be relatively easy to identify the spam and as far as purging your site of this,

I say delete away! On the other hand your readers would like to see how others react or interact after you've posted something new! Even more so brand new arrivals to your site tend to view any comments left as a sign that the site has something to offer! So 'kick the garbage to the curb' in terms of obvious spam and allow visitors to view the remarks other people have posted!
Visitor Interest
In many cases your readers may tend to get excited or even agitated by a particular entry and will post their reaction accordingly! If a comment posted seems to be a bit harsh but still shows indications that the remarks are constructive, leave well enough alone! Being a good blogger involves NOT taking the commenting of others too personal but more as a sign you may have hit a 'hot' spot with your readers! In this case, follow-up by taking any suggestions left or write more about the same topic since it seems to have capture the interest, good or bad, of people! There is usually only two reasons people don't leave a response to something you've posted, they either don't care or they haven't found your site YET!
Source of New Ideas
It is not at all unusual for your readers to request you write more about a topic in which they have a particular interest! Short of taking out local billboard advertising, this is the clearest message you can get as to what people want you to write about! Even questions visitors may have are heavy handed hints to help you develop new ideas you already know your visitors will appreciate! This is much like taking a classroom test with all the answers written on the blackboard! Do you think you can pass? For new writing ideas a good blogger always looks to what is posted by their visitors!
The comments on your blog are NOT to be ignored since they can, in many ways, help you understand what your readers want! In addition any comments left can also be use for other additional and constructive purposes as explained in the 3 ways reviewed here today! For many reasons it is understandable that viewer commenting is overlooked since bloggers have many responsibilities to meet! On the other hand a good blogger has trained themselves to look at visitor remarks as a source for improving their platform! In the end if you want to give your readers what they want you can either continue playing the 'guessing game' or simply listen to what they have to say!