The search for short articles is due to the fact that internet users need information immediately! They want quick insights because many of them do not have alot of time bordering around one idea or subject-matter.
A good research would reveal to anyone that articles comprising words which range between 200 and 400, are the ones most searched for. On the average, searches are mostly made for topics related to the fields of Physical Tolerance, Technology, Economics, and Psychology.
The popular search for brief articles is due to the fact that internet users need information immediately! They want quick insights because many of them do not have alot of time bordering around one idea or subject-matter. They are attracted to information that won't make them sit down unnecessarily for long hours. On the average, most people lose interest and concentration in reading articles that have a thousand or more words. On seeing such lengthy articles, they quickly move on to read another one with the hope of obtaining the information they need in a small pack and within a short time.
Most people get irritated looking at a computer screen for a long period of time. On repeating this activity over and over, many have experienced an impairment of their eye's visual capacity. Though there screens designed to reduce eye strain, most of them are expensive devices. Due to fact that there is an uncountable amount of information on the internet, the average internet user doesn't really have alot of time and patience to read a bulky piece, especially when he/she knows exactly what he/she is looking for. For articles that are up to a thousand words or more, many people wouldn't bother to read past the first sentence, after they've sized the article with their eyes.
It is important to note that people who use the inernet range between the busy ages of twelve and thirty. Therefore you must learn how to create little pieces of entertaining and well-informed articles that range between 200 to 400 words, or atmost 500, otherwise they might likely not read through your whole article. Write brief articles so that people can obtain necessary information without getting bored. Online advertisers and marketers employ the use of brief articles because it gives the internet audience reviews about products within the smallest time possible.
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