Your Blog is a Communication Platform
Understanding that blogs are primarily used as a communication platform is a necessary first step towards building your business on such a site! The fact is that the blogging business requires a good investment of time and patience since creating content and not making sales is the primary objective! Read more to see the 3 things you must ALWAYS offer readers if you intend to build a successful business as a blogger!
Understanding that blogs are primarily used as a communication platform is a necessary first step towards building your business on such a site! The fact is that the blogging business requires a good investment of time and patience since creating content and not making sales is the primary objective! Now the site can be used for business reasons as well but it is up to the site administrator to 'tactfully' introduce that aspect!
When building your business on a blog it is important that you always offers visitors the following 3 things,

since this is what they want and expect!
Offer Information
As mentioned above creating content will be your primary objective and should be done in a way that keeps your readers satisfied! Simply stated you must maintain relevancy to the theme of your site and the interest of visitors, which should be one in the same! Now what you offer does not always need to be 'informative' as long as it does 'benefit' readers in some way! Humor is a great way to entertain people as well as offering them something more provocative or thought provoking! If you're in the blogging business to make money, product reviews are another great source of content and a terrific 'lead in' to any product offers you may make!
Offer Your Thoughts
As mentioned briefly above offering something that is thought provoking is very effective and a great way to maintain reader interest! Sharing your opinion, insight or even experience on a relevant topic forces visitors to 'regard' the subject in a whole new light! What makes this strategy so effective is the subject you write about is, or should be, something your readers already find interesting! Remember when building your business on a blog you must first capture the attention of your readers and the content you offer should do just that! Over time people will become loyal to your site and this is exactly what you will base the success of your blogging business upon!
Offer Participation
The best sites are the ones that invite comments and discussion on any topic of relevance to the central theme of the platform! If you do not allow comments you are making a huge mistake since this simply invites participation! When people like what they read, or maybe even vigorously disagree, they'll want to share their opinions while also hearing how others may feel! Here again the blogging business is about much more than just making money! It is actually based upon building a community of repeat visitors that hopefully will turn into repeat buyers as well, but earning their loyalty has to come first!
Since blogs are view primarily as a communication platform it is important maintain this function especially if you're looking to make money! When building your business as a blogger you must be mindful that visitors expectations are always met! By creating content relevant to your readers interest and offering them a 'forum' in which they can exchange ideas with like minded people, most visitors will NOT be disappointed! Even if you are in the blogging business to earn an income, maintaining the constant flow of useful information is vitally important and should be your first priority! Our discussion above focuses on the 3 things most visitors are expecting to see when they land on your site! By meeting the expectations of others in this way gives you a much better chance of building your business due to the loyalty you are developing with readers! Remember the focal point of your efforts should be in creating content your visitors enjoy which will ultimately make your marketing efforts more effective!