First things first, let's define the two. ... is the actof getting your message in front of an ... There are ... of ways to do this, that's really not the theme of ... Bei
First things first, let's define the two. Advertising is the actof getting your message in front of an audience. There are anynumber of ways to do this, that's really not the theme of thismessage. Being able to track a sale backwards to the advertisingthat produced it, is.Second, Marketing is the over all process you use to promoteyour products and/or services. This includes advertising, but isin no way limited to advertising. Again the theme here is not totalk about marketing techniques, but the method's you can use totrack their success.The very nature of the Internet provides you with a variety ofunique tracking methods. At it's very simplest you can produce10 separate web pages to advertise in 10 different forums.EXAMPLE: You have a page selling widgets you want to do a bannercampaign with 10 different banners. You can create 10 mirrorpages i.e. Widgets.html, Widgets1.html, Widgets2.html etc, etc.In this way a different URL is associated with each of thedifferent banners you send out and your able to track whichbanner is producing the most traffic from 10 identical sites..There is a much simpler and less time intensive way however, toachieve that exact same result.You have your index page and rather than mirroring it 10 timesyou simply add ?Widgets1 , ?Widgets2, ?Widgets3, etc, etc, tothe URL.TEST IT HERE:http://NetServeInt.com though the same page is served up to your visitors, yourserver logs treat it as 10 different pages!You can use this method to track any type of campaign not justbanners. If you were to advertise in a publication such as thisone, (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY THE WAY) as well as others using thesame URL in all of them, you would have no way of knowing that80% of the traffic produced from those ad's came from here. Ifhowever you used a different URL ?index2, ?index3, etc, etc. Youwould know which ad drew how much traffic.Do you use (LEGAL) e-mail methods to advertise? This techniquewill also work in that forum. Simply alter your URL as describedabove in each of your different promo letters and your able totrack which ones produce the most traffic. Thereby allowing youto discard the ones that don't produce. Just as you will the z-ine, newsletter, or banner champaign that's not paying it's way.As an added BONUS you can do exactly the same type of thing withe-mail responses. Rather than having 10 different responseaddresses.You place an ad with an e-mail link or have an e-mail linkrather than a URL attached to a banner or any other responselink. As in the URL example you vary the link according to whereit will be seen.EXAMPLE: Ad running in 4 E-Zines1st one has e-mail link <A HREF="">here:2nd one has e-mail link <A HREF="">here:3rd one has e-mail link <A HREF="">here:4th one has e-mail link <A HREF="">here:As you can see the reply you receive has a different textin the subject field. Allowing you to track wereyour responses are originating from.Those methods are all well and good, but if your trulyinterested in tracking your marketing results there is,in my opinion really only one tool you need.Anyone that is trying to bring traffic to their site is usingsome form of advertising or other. That is, you use a sig file,newsletter, e-zines, reciprocal links, banner ads, classifieds,e-books, giveaways, or some other method for getting yourmessage to potential customers. With ROIbot, you can set upcampaigns for every new traffic building idea you come up withand track the effectiveness of each. Then, you do more of whatworks and less of what doesn't. It's a simple concept, placeyour energy in the direction that it's doing you the most good.Get started right now Free. You'll be up and running in minutes.No matter what way you choose to track your promotional effortsit's important that do track them. You can waste countless hoursand dollars on a strategy that is actually producing no results.You may well find that the less costly method works as well ifnot better than the one that cost you an arm and a leg.Again, it matters not which method you choose, it only mattersthat you choose one and use it faithfully. You'll be surprisedhow much information your begin to have at your disposal."Your Success Is Our Success" jbp
New way to trade Forex with AutomatedForexTools
Forex trading has become these days a was to make an extra income. Some traders prefer to trade manually while other use Forex robots (experts advisors). There are many companies that develop Forex robots and other automated tools but not all of them are reliable. Those who are serious provide a clear money-back guarantee and a trial period. If you don't find any of these, bare in mind that you may be unpleasantly surprised.Expose Yourself!
That's what you need to do, if you want to maximize the traffic to your website. You need to expose yourself to as many pairs of eyes as you possibly can. Paying for ... is one way to accompliGive People A Reason To Visit Your Web Site!
That is the single most ... thing to remember about ... website. Commit it to memory, and remind yourself of it ... make the mistake of thinking (all my hard work and all thegreat