There are two schools of thought on promotional items. There are those that thing they are a waste of money and you should stick to newspaper ads and ...
There are two schools of thought on promotional items. There are those that thing they are a waste of money and you should stick to newspaper ads and commercials,

and there are those that think they are a great way to promote a business. Well, truth be told, those that see it as a great promotional tool are the right ones. Newspaper ads and commercials are great, but they are expensive and don't always work as well as you would like. They often have a low return on investment as well.
Promotional items, especially items like personalized ceramic mugs, are highly effective and have a very high return on investment.
Let's look at it in this example.
If you spend $5,000 on a commercial that brings 500 people into your store, then the cost per person to bring them into your store was ten dollars. If you have a $1,000 newspaper ad that brings 50 people into your store, then you have spent $20 per person to bring them in. If only half those people buy something, and if they don't spend more than what you invested, your return on investment is very low.
However, if you buy personalized ceramic mugs, you will spend as little as two dollars per mug, especially if you buy them in bulk. If you give away 20 personalized ceramic mugs, and half of those customers come in, which is completely plausible, then you have spent four dollars per customer. All those customers have to do is spend eight dollars each and you have broken even. If one customer spends $50, you have a high return on your investment.
That is the power of promotional items like personalized ceramic mugs. These mugs have the ability to bring in customers to your business because they create customer loyalty. When you give your customer something that shows appreciation for their business, they will show you loyalty. If you take time to personalize something for them, with their name on it, they will be much more likely to do business with you. As well, they will advertise your company whenever they use the mug because along with their name, it also has your company name and logo on it. This is why it is so important that any company who wants to get customers in, needs to think about promotional items for their business.
If you are going to have a successful business, then you need to look at how much you are spending to bring customers into your business. If you find you are spending too much, then it may be time to cut back and look for other ways to promote yourself. Those other ways include promotional items like personalized ceramic mugs. They are the best way you have to get customers into your store, create customer loyalty, all for a very low cost. Start looking for ways to make promotional items work for you, and to help make your business profitable.